

  • Director: Lynn Shelton
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: October 24, 2014
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Say When
  • "Say When" is a comedy romance film directed by Lynn Shelton and performed by Keira Christina Knightley and Chloë Grace Moretz. It was released in 2014.
    The film tells the story of Megan and her new friend Annika enjoying their youth together.


    • Release date October 24, 2014
    • Filming locations Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle, Washington, USA
    • Production companies Anonymous Content, BR Capital Group, Merced Media Partners

    Box office


    $5,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 33 ) Add reviews

    • By Alvah 2022-03-26 09:01:09

      in Jiandezhena place like Munich

      When I was a kid, I needed a relaxing and enjoyable movie before going to bed. I didn’t realize it was a movie I’d seen until I saw a few scenes. I guessed the following plot when I watched it, because it’s been a long time, and I can’t recall it— Some are really trying to guess along the plot, some are afraid of the direction it will develop, but they all unexpectedly don't match the movie. Maybe I have changed, because when I was a child, it was about love and marriage. I don't know much,...

    • By Elmer 2022-03-26 09:01:09

      I understand her sudden change of mind

      Meghan came home a week later, and when she hugged her fiancé, she smiled sincerely, and she was planning to hide it. After listening to my father's confession and my father's efforts to maintain the marriage, I think it makes sense. The selfie at the airport is also really happy. Suddenly, the fiancé wants to post the photo to the group, and the feeling is faintly strong. The request to quit this circle requires her to leave him immediately, which could have been done. What she said about...

    • By Annette 2022-03-26 09:01:09

      Willful heart moves with me and self-kidnapping of positioning

      This is a story about finding and giving up finding, positioning and letting yourself go out of control. It is related to youth, but also to the choice of life.

      In this movie, I don't think Meghan, starring Keira Knightley, is pretty, but Chloe Moretz is pretty. One of them is in their youth and the other has passed away, but they all have a youthful heart. Those who have experienced youth are accustomed to positioning themselves, while those who have not experienced it feel...

    • By Sidney 2022-03-26 09:01:09

      I do not want to grow up

      About not wanting to face the world after growing up

      It's not actually a well-written story, messy dialogue, weird plot, but somehow resonates

      Does everyone go through a period of time

      Wandering in "Knowing that I urgently need to change, but I am unable to act. I am afraid of leaving my comfort zone, I am afraid of hurting people, I am afraid of finding what I want, so I can't make various choices."

      Procrastination is an escape, an escape from all bad...

    • By Dewitt 2022-03-25 09:01:14

      accidental escape from reality

      The Chinese translation is too unreliable, I thought it was a movie like returning to 17 years old. But when I saw this, I was looking at the two beauties.

      I think this state of the heroine should be more or less everyone, but the way of treatment is different. Something happened, and I felt that I couldn't figure it out for a while, and I didn't know what to do, so I wanted to escape. It talks about a thing that I have been very depressed about, whether to make plans for the future,...

    User comments

      ( 92 ) Add comments

    • By Margaretta 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      People are changing all the time, and some passions will fade, not because of this person, but because people are changing. move on. Don't put yourself out of tune with the friends or lovers around you who have left...

    • By Candace 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      But maybe it was the start of a habit of waiting for other people to make decisions for...

    • By Garnet 2022-04-23 07:03:26

      Three views are...

    • By Salma 2022-04-23 07:03:26

      The confused period of life is not limited to teenagers. Some people grow up a little slower or refuse to grow up, and do the things of children in the body of adults, but life is a process of chasing ducks on the shelves. It is either to inspire their body to defect or their soul....

    • By Freda 2022-04-23 07:03:26

      I thought it was a youth comedy, but it turned out that the theme was very subtle, the resonance was extra points, and the goddess kk was extra points. It's a pity that the ending was very boring, except for the sentence "We have been living in the past" for a moment, and the ending was unfinished until the end. Nagging that kk's breasts are not sixteen years old anymore. Well, she is pregnant and is clearly developing for the second...

    Background creation

    Originally, Keira Christina Knightley and Chloë Grace Moretz played sister Anne playing a woman named Megan. Her boyfriend’s sudden and unique way of proposing marriage made her feel at a loss. Trying to temporarily free herself from the terrible situation of being proposed, she temporarily ran away with her 16-year-old sister Annika. In the process of "escaping" the sisters, they met Clegg, an old man played by Sam Rockwell, and the...
    more about Laggies Background creation

    Movie quotes

    • Annika: [approaching her in parking lot] You look like you party.

      Megan: I... guess I'm technically coming from one.

      Annika: Cool. So... we can hardly believe this, but we all forgot our IDs. And I mean, normally we would just go buy some beer ourselves. But I guess we look under 21. Which is crazy, right? I know. Um, so, if we gave you some money or something, would you help us straighten this whole problem out and buy us a six-pack or something?

      Megan: Oh, God.

      Annika: Um, you could totally keep the change.

      Megan: [stunned] Okay. Someone did this for me when I was your age, so I'm gonna do it for you. It's like a rite of passage, right?

      Annika: Yeah. Yeah, ya know, I had a good feeling about you.

      Megan: That makes one of us.

    • Megan: It's not gonna make any sense, so just fucking sue me. I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to be a lawyer joke.

      Craig: It's not a joke if it's not insulting.

    • Craig: [talking shop] During mediation my client agreed to give back two of her handguns to her husband, and now shes decided they were anniversary gifts to her.

      Megan: Wow, that's romantic. Are you gonna win?

      Craig: I hope so, because it would kill me to see a mother separated from her guns.