My Afternoons with Margueritte

My Afternoons with Margueritte

  • Director: Jean Becker
  • Writer: Jean Becker,Jean-Loup Dabadie,Marie-Sabine Roger
  • Countries of origin: France
  • Language: French, Flemish
  • Release date: September 16, 2011
  • Runtime: 1 hour 22 minutes
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Mina eftermiddagar med Margueritte
  • "Afternoon with Marguerite" is a comedy film directed by Jean Baker, starring Gérard Depardieu, Giselle Cazadsu, Patrick Berridge, etc., 2006 It opens in France on June 2.


    • Release date September 16, 2011
    • Filming locations Pons, Charente-Maritime, France
    • Production companies ICE3, K.J.B. Production, France 3 Cinéma

    Box office

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 37 ) Add reviews

    • By Mae 2022-12-23 04:00:24

      Two of the most beautiful things in the world, one is kindness and the other is reading.

      Although there is no strong storyline, it makes people intoxicated and bathes the soul for an hour and a half. Often the ordinary little people dishes are the most moving. The male protagonist, who lacked love since childhood and was hated and ridiculed by his classmates, teachers and mothers, had a childlike kindness and always used his own less clever words to try to comfort those he thought was hurt. Named the 19 pigeons in the square. Although they don't read books,...

    • By Leif 2022-12-20 19:28:09

      Day and night will not communicate with each other

      Our poet said that a good novel builds a world, what kind of world? People are willing to live in, they can live poetically. A world with Margaret is undoubtedly such a world. Live in, think about it, Marguerite is reading in the beautiful sunshine, or Germain is grinding her cane in the gentle arms, it should be moved. This ninety-five-year-old being with the same name as the pigeon, shouting from the roaring car that you are kidnapping, was joyous and brilliant. Someday, still fat...

    • By Conner 2022-12-19 10:07:17

      female love

      I believe that there is no mother who does not love her child, but not every mother can show it in a proper way and in a timely manner. I
      feel that most of the bad things that Mann's mother has done to him are mostly the disgust and hatred of himself in the past, the helplessness and worry of no one. To love her seriously, she doesn't get the love and help she deserves from her husband, and a single, violent, struggling mother, who
      happens to have an unpleasant, stupid son. Her...

    • By Briana 2022-12-19 04:19:42

      scar life

      What I want to say is about family.

      Germain, he was fat, a little dull, uneducated but always trying to show off in front of his friends, sometimes saying inappropriate things regardless of the occasion.
      Germain's mother, irritable and paranoid, indulged in alcohol when she was young, and never changed her mind when she had a child.

      In Germain's childhood, 99% was an irritable and often hurtful mother, who only blamed for wrongdoing, and was scolded for no reason...

    • By Alanis 2022-12-18 19:18:14

      Pulse warmth

      Such a warm film has a little bitterness, but it is still beautiful in the end. A life changed by reading is like opening a window to let in sunlight. There are no ups and downs in the plot, but I was moved all the way. In the world of love, there is not only love. Timeless and soft.

      I especially like German's little girlfriend, a very sunny girl. She doesn't seem to be worthy of her appearance when she is with German, but she doesn't think there is anything. She keeps guarding him...

    User comments

      ( 26 ) Add comments

    • By Alexis 2023-08-09 17:07:46

      In the name of flowers, born according to books. Regain the dignity of life, remove the haze of childhood, and complete the reconciliation of mother and son, which is simple and...

    • By Shannon 2023-07-17 11:30:56

      "It's not a typical love story, but the love and tenderness are there. She takes flowers in the name of her and spends her life in words. Adjectives are all around, verbs grow like weeds, some are unpleasant to you, but she is gentle Implanted in my hard ground and my...

    • By Collin 2023-07-06 11:13:20

      The most unreliable and most romantic and warm typical French...

    • By Edmond 2023-07-03 12:00:13

      Family education is very strange, this man is not a pervert, he is still a good...

    • By Kathryne 2023-05-20 13:23:20

      Four and a half stars; I really read it in the afternoon winter sunshine; "One day I will wailing like a dog in front of my mother's grave", the big nose interprets the rude and immature man who yearns for a warm mother's love very well and vividly, Margaret It is the perfect mother image in his heart, an ordinary and wonderful encounter, the so-called "love" is not only love; books are not only the most important props of the whole film, but also allow him to open another...

    Movie quotes

    • Germain Chazes: It's not a typical love affair, but love and tenderness, both are there. Named after a daisy, she lived amongst words, surrounded by adjectives in green fields of verbs. Some force you yield to. But she, with soft art, passed through my hard shield and into my heart. Not always are love stories just made of love. Sometimes love is not named but it's love just the same. This is not a typical love affair I met her on a bench in my local square. She made a little stir, tiny like a bird with her gentle feathers. She was surrounded by words, some as common as myself. She gave me books, two or three Their pages have come alive for me. Don't die now, you've still got time, just wait It's not the hour, my little flower Give me some more of you. More of the life in you Wait Not always are stories just made of love Sometimes love is not named. But it's love just the same.