Red Lights

Red Lights

  • Director: Rodrigo Cortés
  • Countries of origin: Spain, Canada
  • Language: English
  • Release date: March 2, 2012
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Luces rojas
  • "Red Lights" is a suspense film released in the United States on January 20, 2012, directed by Rodrigo Cortés and starring Sigourney Weaver and Cillian Murphy .
    The film tells the story of Margaret Matheson, a university professor who studies supernatural sciences, and his assistant Tom Barkley, through a set of self-developed scientific equipment, tossing around the performance of "superpowers" and continuously debunking their various scams. story.


    • Release date March 2, 2012
    • Filming locations Casino L'Aliança del Poblenou, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
    • Production companies Millennium Films, Cindy Cowan Entertainment, First Generation Films

    Box office


    €14,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 43 ) Add reviews

    • By Jermain 2022-03-26 09:01:08

      Everyone thinks silver is a liar?

      After reading some film reviews, everyone thinks that silver is a liar. Several film critics have said in detail that he is just a liar who does not tell lies.

      But no one thinks that silver is actually a superpower, but his ability is not as strong as Tom.

      According to your aspects,

      1. The theater exploded. Tom's equipment hasn't been debugged yet, and the silver has already exploded ahead of time, causing Tom to be nervous. Of course, some people say that this paragraph is...

    • By Octavia 2022-03-25 09:01:12

      weird, not bad

      It's a wonderful reversal drama. The first half of the first half exposes the tricks of pseudoscience to the bone.
      In addition to the ingenuity of sophistry, the consciousness of political correctness, the ability to cook chicken soup and instill belief, the supernatural man of the higher grade also knows a little bit of science. For dealing with doubts in the scientific community, it has its own set of plans to avoid or block the path of falsification, and even use disqualified scientific...

    • By Raleigh 2022-03-25 09:01:12

      It's not really that flipped

      Pay attention to the details In fact, the end of the film is not too flipped. Before that, many details show that Murphy is different from others.
      pay attention to the dialogue. Many subtexts The actors perform superbly. Unbelief

      is the characteristic of the contradiction between science and theology. It is the way of expression in the film. There is no need to argue about the entanglement of affirmation and denial of the meaning of self-existence. This is the center...

    • By Avis 2022-03-25 09:01:12


      Originally, the male protagonist didn't want to expose the blind uncle's fake supernatural powers, but wanted to constantly verify that the two of them were of the same kind. But it wasn't until the end that he discovered that he was still alone, the only truly psychic person so far. His teacher has always been reluctant to play against the blind uncle. Maybe he wanted to leave a thought for himself and tell himself that there are still people with supernormal abilities in the world. This is...

    • By Emelie 2022-03-25 09:01:12

      A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and the dripping blood

      Tom is the male lead. There are two lines in the story. He and his mentor Magnate are the first line, and he and Silver are the second line. Both lines revolve around "self-denial"/"camouflage", which leads to the final core of the film, being yourself.
      Tom and Magarate

      seem to have a common quest - to prove that all supernatural phenomena do not exist. Actually fundamentally different. Tom wants to deny the existence of all superpowers, and then deny the fact that he has...

    User comments

      ( 89 ) Add comments

    • By Lelia 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      The foreshadowing and atmosphere in the first paragraph are very attractive, but in the end it is really boring. I still feel that way after reading some of the reviews. To paraphrase the Internet, it is: I have taken off my pants, can you show me...

    • By Esmeralda 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      That student Ben's tone of voice is really annoying. A superpower movie that is a little bit literary, it seems that the male protagonist is the person who really has superpower, and then he has been looking for someone with the same ability for so many...

    • By Wyatt 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      It's only a fart after you hold back so hard until you find out that it's just a fart. I guarantee that you will only have the mood to say hehe after reading it. Add one star for a strong...

    • By Brendon 2022-04-23 07:03:07

      The ending of this movie is so...

    • By Jaydon 2022-04-23 07:03:07

      Barely Samsung. There is a kind of rush to watch the deluxe version of "Into Science". ....

    Movie plot

    As the foremost senior researcher specializing in various supernatural phenomena, Dr. Margaret Matheson and her partner Tom Barkley are committed to debunking the so-called "hell" rumors that are false or forged all over the world. Absolutely professional skeptic Margaret will detect similar to "faith therapy" or other related psychological phenomena and mental problems, collectively referred to as the "Red Lights" effect, which can be...
    more about Red Lights Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    "Red Lights" is dominated by a cold, depressing black tone. The wonderful plot structure and superb performance of the actors make the film full of suspense, mystery and horror. The director uses supernatural themes as the starting point to attract the audience, but surpasses the inertial narrative strategy of the struggle between justice and evil, science and pseudo-science, the struggle between God and the devil in the traditional...
    more about Red Lights Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Margaret Matheson: [lecturing] If you press down hard on the top of the table and draw your hands toward your body, the outer two table legs are going to go up like a schoolgirl's dress.

    • Simon Silver: We dream 27 times a night. An intricate neurological protection mechanism which makes us forget. What protects you? A line of salt? From the time of ancient Greece to the present day, philosophers and scholars have argued man is essentially rational. I don't happen to agree. If one observes and studies another person without having first studied oneself, how do we know whether out instruments are appropriately set? How do we know we are reliable? We have no proof. There's only one way of gaining access to the truth, and that's not to expect anything. If our intentions aren't pure, we might end up creating monsters.

    • Simon Silver: We called Ptolemy insane, we spat in the face of Galileo, we burned Giordano Bruno... What did we need? What do we need in order to learn? What makes us be what we are? What finally makes us come to accept? What makes us believe?