The House That Jack Built

The House That Jack Built

  • Director: Lars von Trier
  • Writer: Lars von Trier,Jenle Hallund
  • Countries of origin: Denmark, France, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Tunisia
  • Language: English, German, Italian
  • Release date: October 17, 2018
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
  • Also known as: Jek qurgan uy
  • "The House That Jack Built" is a horror thriller directed by Lars von Trier , starring Matthew Raymond Dillon  . It was released in Denmark on November 29, 2018.
    The film tells the story of how Jack, a high IQ serial killer who committed a murder in Washington in the 1970s, completed his serial murder under the police chase.


    • Release date October 17, 2018
    • Filming locations Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Production companies Zentropa Entertainments, Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image, Copenhagen Film Fund

    Box office


    €8,700,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 106 ) Add reviews

    • By Alexys 2022-06-29 22:55:20

      The House That Jack Built: Impeccable Integrity

      Four stars give the film language a unique form of expression, originality, and impeccable integrity.

      After reading it, there was an incomparable peace in the face of a piece of ash. The House That Jack Built What kind of house did Jack build? What kind of zenith (solution, zenith) is he looking for? What kind of beauty/eternity in an instant is the approaching/pursuing in his consciousness? I have my understanding of the absurdity of his life.

      In Jack's world, life, love, and...

    • By Arielle 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      Von Trier as an architect and his impossibility

      Even without cognitive film theory, film is not just what is happening on the screen. The film integrates the perception of expression and the expression of perception (Sobchack, 1992), and the viewer is involved. So my reviews inevitably lead to the very personal aspects of watching a movie. I was watching in Copenhagen, and the companion was P.

      In fact, only ten minutes after the opening, I realized the absolute existence of Von Trier: the mistress of the second incident asked Jack's...

    • By Cathryn 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      Interactive N Negative--The house that Jack built

      Interactive N Negative--The house that Jack built

      At the beginning of the story, when the car is driving on a desolate highway, although there is no torrential rain and no disturbingly fast swinging wipers, the ghost will remind people of Hitchcock's "Psycho". Perhaps it was the chatter of the woman, or the repeated cuts and turns of the camera, which made people outside the play wonder with interest at what moment such inner anxiety and irritability would rush out of his hands....

    • By Dillon 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      Building pure white humanity out of corpses

      Russ didn't create evil, he just described the instincts that exist naturally in human nature after removing moral and emotional constraints.

      People who give this movie low marks either don't get used to Lars' narcissism or abstract movies or are brainwashed by so-called political correctness.

      I still understand this film as a deconstruction of human nature. From the very beginning, the protagonist was tortured by an old woman and finally couldn’t bear to smash her to death with...

    • By Monica 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      after watching

      I didn't have any previous works by drawing Von Trier, and I watched this film without any notice. I watched it about five times separately. If you want to watch this film, you must be in a good mood. Go watch it, or you're sure to screw up your day.

      The film is divided into five perverted murder stories plus a killing addiction story similar to the postscript. It started through a dialogue between the male protagonist and an old man, but the old man just spoke with a voice-over, and...

    User comments

      ( 108 ) Add comments

    • By Shana 2023-09-28 04:52:40

      D / There are so many good paragraphs, especially the effective mind control at the beginning is a big stride. But the structure of "Female Addict" is completely ineffective, and the reason seems to be that the director himself has made possible judgments and even self-joking. The whole film is like the countless half-abandoned houses built by the protagonist before, and the material structure is completely mismatched with its expectations. Therefore, when it comes to hell, nothing can be...

    • By Rosanna 2023-09-20 07:15:32

      Hate all his movies, this one is no...

    • By Horace 2023-08-22 14:43:05

      Existentialism is cold because existentialists do not take the lead in judging whether a material is moral or not. Without God, there is no punishment. Everything is everyone's choice. (Including falling into hell, of course) On the one hand, to overcome obsessive-compulsive disorder, on the other hand, to turn murder into art. In the end, all the frozen corpses of more than 60 people were built into a house. jack is looking for his own language. This is also the path of director Lars Von...

    • By Shanon 2023-07-31 03:37:47

      This film has to be watched in two parts, pulling the madman to resist kitsch, but it has become another kind of kitsch, so his maverick will never reach the five-star status; he is acutely aware of the "beauty of corruption" and "the value of ruins", Questioning and deconstructing the link between worship and the constitution of power is a cry for a whole artistic exploration suppressed by orthodox values, a moment that joins the Poes and Pasolinis; the film that marks The Antichrist Later,...

    • By Akeem 2023-06-07 13:20:49

      If you haven't seen it, it is not recommended to watch it. If you want to watch it, you can also fast forward. The whole film is full of discomfort, and there is no reason for it in the end. Not for the general audience. If you don't understand it, you don't understand it. This is the consensus of most people. If you understand it, go to build a group and then carefully ponder, absorb, praise, digest, degrade, immerse, feel, suck and satisfy. Those who have played more than 3 stars have a...

    Movie plot

    Jack ( played by Matthew Raymond Dillon ) is a serial killer and an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient. He will stay at the crime scene and repeatedly determine whether there are blood stains in each place. At the same time, he was a well-trained engineer, but his limited vision hindered his efforts to build his own house. In a conversation with a mysterious stranger, he confessed to some of the most serious murders he had...
    more about The House That Jack Built Movie plot

    Neutral evaluation

    The film is not as scary as imagined. The main body of the film is not a display of violent spectacles, but a dialogue between the killer Jack and the mysterious elder Virgil. Many of Jack's remarks in the film are actually defending the director's perverse behavior. If you don't like the director's overly self-indulgent character, you won't like this movie. Even if it is self-indulgent, the film still explores a question worth...
    more about The House That Jack Built Neutral evaluation

    Negative comment

    Lars von Trier came up with a boring, creepy idea   . ("Guardian" review)
    Like his most paranoid and painful work, Jack is buried by the ideas of its creator. Maybe he got catharsis through this work, but this film is only occasionally valuable to other people   . (Comment by "Daily Telegraph")
    The savage colors are scattered throughout the film. In the two and a half hours, Lars von Trier likes to repeat long and tirelessly detailed...
    more about The House That Jack Built Negative comment

    Movie quotes

    • Verge: Why are they always so stupid?

      Jack: Who's stupid?

      Verge: All the women you killed, strike me as seriously unintelligent.

      Jack: I've also killed men.

      Verge: But you only talk about the stupid women. Unless you think all women are stupid.

      Jack: Well, the stories I've told were selected at random, but...

      Verge: You feel superior to women and want to brag. It turns you on, doesn't it Jack?

      Jack: No, no. But women are easier, not physically, they're just easier to work with. More cooperative.

      Verge: To kill, you mean?

      Jack: If you like. Mr. Sophistication believes in that theory.

      Verge: So... Mr. Sophistication is the theoretician?

    • Jack: Verge?

      Verge: I'm here, Jack.


      Jack: I don't feel so good Verge. There's a sour taste in my mouth.

      Verge: You want me to show you the way to the next whisky bar?

    • Jack: I can tell you're lapping it up when I tell you about Mr. Sophistication: "So, Jack hears voices that order him to do this, or do that, Jack must be psychotic!". I loathe diagnoses you can just write down in letters.

      Verge: That's not fair. The letters are clear. They look after us, don't create boundaries between good and evil, and they carry religion.

      Jack: Religion has ruined human beings, because your God teaches people to deny the tiger in themselves. Turns us all into a throng of slaves, too shameful to acknowledge it.

      Verge: Oh Jack, you should have read the right letters in your life, but you didn't want to.