What's Eating Gilbert Grape

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

  • Director: Lasse Hallström
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: March 4, 1994
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Sound mix: Dolby, Dolby SR
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: ¿A quién ama Gilbert Grape?
  • "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape" is a love life comedy directed by Lasse Hallström and starring Johnny Depp and Leo . The film was released in the United States on December 25, 1993.
    The film mainly tells the unfortunate experience of Grapp's family and the love between Gilbert and Betsy.


    • Release date March 4, 1994
    • Filming locations Denton, Texas, USA
    • Production companies Paramount Pictures

    Box office


    $11,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 81 ) Add reviews

    • By Leda 2022-04-24 07:01:03

      How many people are walking, but stuck in place

      The contest between ideals and reality always ends up being ordinary.
             Gilbert is every ordinary person. With a heavy shell on his back, he wants to let go of his dreams, but he is always pulled back to reality. He and his younger brother go to wait for those station wagons every year, but even if one stops for him, will he really fly away?
             Most of us will spend our lives in this kind of entanglement. Even if you do leave at a certain moment, you will always stay for...

    • By Kay 2022-04-24 07:01:03

      To leave a mark, remember the emotions that will not go away for a long time after reading it.

      Look at the movie poster with only the names of Depp and the heroine. Leonardo was not worthy of attention at that time, but his performance in it can only be described as genius. It's really a good film, and the satisfaction and some sadness after watching it will last for a long time. The simplicity and realism of the characters inside make people feel beautiful and make life full of hope, like a trace of grandeur and heartache brought by the burning years. I've forgotten which movie made...

    • By Blaze 2022-04-23 07:01:27

      Life is a terrible thing to sleep through

      Perhaps from the two sentences on the movie poster, you can guess how depressing and dull this movie is. "Life is a terrible thing to sleep through." This is the first sentence on the poster, referring specifically to Gilbert's mentally retarded brother in the film. Intellectually handicapped children live in their own little world all day long. In reality, they seem to have never woken up. Gilbert works hard for his younger brother all day long. For Gilbert, his younger brother is a burden to...

    • By Andreanne 2022-04-23 07:01:27

      What Keeps Gilbert Grape Going?

      It's always been quiet and peaceful. I won't feel that their experience is very tragic, because everyone lives so tenderly.
      The grocer said, "The way you talk like that reminds me of your father."
      Gilbert sings a nursery rhyme to persuade Arnie from the tall water tower, and everyone applauds.
      Gilbert's two friends would always gossip together, but try to help Gilbert maintain his mother's dignity, even when Gilbert has given up.
      Arnie is always smiling so happily. The first...

    • By Laurie 2022-04-23 07:01:27

      the essence of life

      After watching this "Different Sky" after so many years, how many people are sighed for the faces and performances of the two movie stars. It seems that while life does not let us go, how can we not let go of the beautiful young man? And that's where it's real and cruel.
        In someone else's life, each part is distinct and easy to categorize and evaluate. Deal with life. Disgust and resistance, like a suffocating family and work, like the fat woman in the film. Yearning and infatuation,...

    User comments

      ( 68 ) Add comments

    • By Cleve 2023-08-14 02:24:54

      2008-7-7 13:39:03 8/7.7(35958) It's like a piano piece, how does Depp look like a man with three sheets?

    • By Haley 2023-07-31 07:21:17

      It was before Titanic, Natural Born Killers and Carribbean. They were all so pure and...

    • By Alice 2023-07-01 15:50:14

      Xiao Li plays a fool, which is too different from the current image of Uncle Beard. depp is still young, not old and fancy. The plot is flat, and the resolution of various conflicts is too simple. If it is not for watching Xiao Li pretend to be crazy, he will not be able to lift his spirits at...

    • By Hilma 2023-06-26 17:26:26

      Well... such a wonderful work has only really been appreciated until today, and I feel a little ashamed. How old was Leonardo then? I sympathize with the weak and like to be a kind...

    • By Andres 2023-06-20 14:46:33

      depp and Leo, I don't need a reason to love you, even though I'm still a...

    Movie plot

    The Gilberts lived in a small town called Ndola, where there were very few residents. Gilbert’s family has an obese mother, a mentally retarded brother, a beauty-loving sister, and a house-keeping sister. In Gilbert's daily life, the most important job is to take care of his brother Ani, who is mentally retarded.
      Once, Arnie took advantage of Gilbert's carelessness to climb onto the tall generator. Gilbert hurried to the tower,...
    more about What's Eating Gilbert Grape Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    Darlene Cates was selected to play Bonnie Grape (the mother in the film). The casting director once contacted the show crew of Sally Jessy Raphael. The show crew sent him a video of Cates as a guest on the show a few months ago, so she was Selected.
    The photo of Mrs. Grape when she was young is that of actor Darlene Cates when she was young.
    Johnny Depp always mocks the mother played by Darlene Cates in the film. He feels very bad about...
    more about What's Eating Gilbert Grape Behind the scenes gags

    Movie quotes

    • Betty Carver: Hey. I could have had any guy, any guy, but I chose you. I chose you.

      Gilbert: Why did you?

      Betty Carver: [pause] Because... I knew you'd always be there. Because I knew you'd never leave.

    • Momma: [meeting for the first time] Hello.

      Becky: Hi.

      Momma: I haven't always been like this.

      Becky: Well, I haven't always been like this, either.

    • Momma: You left, and I hate that. You know I hate that.