Extended Reading
  • Duane 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    little girl not attractive enough

  • Janae 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    The first novel I read was "The Little Princess". After reading it several times, I liked the really good and beautiful little princess.

A Little Princess quotes

  • Sara Crewe: Papa? Maya told me that all girls are princesses.

    Capt. Crewe: Maya... is a very wise woman.

    Sara Crewe: Then it's true?

    Capt. Crewe: You can be anything you want to be, my love, as long as you believe.

    Sara Crewe: What do you believe?

    Capt. Crewe: I believe that you are... and always will be... my little princess.

  • [Captain Crewe has just presented his young daughter with a doll named Emily]

    Capt. Crewe: Whenever you're afraid, or miss me terribly... just tell Emily. And she'll get the message to me, wherever I am. And I'll send one back right away... so that when you hug her... you'll really be getting a hug from me.

    Sara Crewe: ...It's alright, Papa. I'm going to be fine.