Extended Reading
  • Shanie 2021-10-20 17:30:59

    Green Lantern: The Death of Beauty Manga

    In recent years, more and more superheroes wearing uniforms have appeared on the big screen. Most of these uniformed heroes have labels produced by Marvel, watching the comic characters of their rivals become popular, DC I finally couldn't help it, and cooperated with Warner to launch a new...

  • Lizzie 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    Willpower and fear?

    The heroine is really perfect. The daughter of an aircraft manufacturing company, she knows knowledge and can practice, and has a good on-the-spot reaction. Her IQ is online all the time, her personality is kind, and she looks good.

    The jet lag is so big, and the movement is slow, the bomb of the...

  • Edwardo 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    Among the many sci-fi hero films, the female vase in this film is the most beautiful, but it is not wet, which is a bit disappointing! !

  • Phyllis 2022-03-24 09:01:21

    As always, the mentally retarded plot, as always, the production of dog blood

Green Lantern quotes

  • Sinestro: You dare enter this chamber?

    Hal Jordan: I need your help! You gotta help me save my world!

  • [Hammond probes the Green Lantern's mind]

    Hector Hammond: Hal, hi. The alien was one of you. How did we end up so different, hmmm? Hmmm?

    [Green Lantern tries to get up]

    Hector Hammond: [psychic blast] SIT DOWN!