Extended Reading
  • Mireya 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    This killer is a bit

    Seeing that this banned film is so highly praised on the Internet, I really thought it was some kind of ghost work. Only then did I know that,,, the scene in this film that is considered unsuitable for children is only the scene where the yellow-haired man cuts his tongue in public, and the rest...

  • Lon 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    A straightforward video with violence and no aesthetics

    Let’s talk about it first: The ending made me laugh to death, Wang Jiajun is very hot, and the violent scenes are very enjoyable. The Japanese can really be very perverted. Watching the characters in the play suffer from pain, it seems like they are suffering for the audience. The following is the...

  • Hunter 2021-12-23 08:01:24

    Such cartoon violence, dumbfounding

  • Ansley 2021-12-23 08:01:24

    It's fun to watch the evolution of Nao Gong. . To tell the truth about Miike Takashi has always given me the feeling that he is a genius with shi in his head. For him, the movie is nothing more than a prop to realize the evil taste. . I don’t know what will happen to this year’s jojo, rip it in advance

Ichi the Killer quotes

  • Kakihara: There's no love in your violence.

  • Ichi: Did... you really want me to rape you, Miss Tachibana?

    Karen: Oh, no. I didn't want it from you. I wanted it from anyone. The only thing that can help me now is despair.