Extended Reading
  • Godfrey 2022-06-18 18:11:03

    Now I know why I have to immigrate to the United States to sell iron.

    High school graduates or children who have not yet graduated, drink heavily until at least 32 years old, raise two children by serving dishes in restaurants, and find a less reliable mother than themselves at Alcoholics Anonymous.
    Such a Loser US imperialism has lived in the yard with garage...

  • Kiera 2022-06-18 18:22:43

    lay down life can always come back

    Watched a few episodes. From the beginning, I felt that there was no bright spot, and later I felt that the jokes were getting more and more aftertaste. The natural and unpretentious style of the two mothers is really liked by female men.
    I read a news today that the youngest mother in the UK gave...

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