Extended Reading
  • Manuel 2022-06-26 12:16:33

    monster, truck, girlfriend

    It's just Tu Yile, when I watch this kind of children's film, I think I am a child, don't think about it so much, I am happy. I just don't understand what those people who hold biology books and wave the banner of scientific reason are thinking? Criticize loopholes in children's films to show that...

  • Ebba 2022-06-26 11:41:54

    Yue Yuan said

    Recommended crowd: young and young

  • Norval 2022-06-26 23:49:53

    All members have zero acting skills, so I can only watch the monster series

  • Tremayne 2022-06-26 19:33:20

    It feels like a film that complains about trucks "eating oil", hahahaha! After the filming, a lot of cars (shells) were destroyed!

Monster Trucks quotes

  • Reece Tenneson: [on Burke] He comes highly recommended.

    Reece Tenneson: I'm not into hurting people

    [nods to Burke]

    Reece Tenneson: that's his job

  • Sheriff Rick: You be careful, son.

    Tripp: Rick. I'm sorry I said all those terrible things about you,

    Sheriff Rick: Wait. What?