Extended Reading
  • General 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    An uncontrollable and unreliable world

    From the perspective of the whole movie, that 2 million dollars, or money, is the origin of everything, and it is also the focus of the three protagonists, the sheriff, the killer and the hunter. However, whether it is a sheriff who represents traditional justice, a killer who represents modern...

  • Cayla 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Nowhere to be old: the isomorphism of age and fate under the Trinity

    "Old Nowhere" won four of the four Oscars that year, and of these four awards, I am most concerned about this "Best Adapted Screenplay Award". Even though I have watched the film twice, I still feel that this is a text that is completely audio-visual. How can it beat PTA's "The Blood Is Coming" to...

  • Quinn 2021-10-20 18:58:09

    The plot is great, this is the movie with the least soundtrack I have ever seen

  • Lea 2021-10-20 18:59:34

    Oscar would award the best film to such a dark work, and the reed killer played by Javier Baden is as cold-blooded as death. The narrative is calm and temperate, but most of the time it is frightening. The empty and lonely Texas wasteland reflects the individual's powerlessness and fragility in the face of the mysterious and unpredictable evil. When the emotions were strained to the limit, the Coen brothers directly omitted the climax, leaving only the staring audience silently savoring despair and nothingness. (9.5/10)

No Country for Old Men quotes

  • "Managerial" Victim #2: [Viewing the dead bodies in the desert] These are some ripe petunias!

  • Carla Jean Moss: I ain't got the money. What little I had is long gone, and there's bills aplenty to pay yet. I buried my mother today. Ain't pay for that neither.

    Anton Chigurh: I wouldn't worry about it.

    Carla Jean Moss: I need to sit down.