Extended Reading
  • Ward 2022-03-23 09:02:36


    A young Katherine (Gwyneth Paltrow) is going through life's trials as she has to work and care for her ailing father, Robert (Anthony Hopkins). Although Robert was a famous mathematician, he was still unable to take good care of himself in his later years.
    Robert died anyway, and Catherine was...

  • Dovie 2022-01-06 08:01:54

    Prove i love you

    The title is worth mentioning. The original English name "Proof" is straightforward and rich in meaning. Indo-European languages ​​are like this, with light modification and heavy connotation, and it is appropriate to be used as a name throughout the film. The official translation of the mainland...

  • Alverta 2022-04-22 07:01:41

    Apart from appreciating the performances of the three protagonists, it is of little significance, the heroine who is a crazy bastard, and the hero who is a tool but extremely gentle. It lacks novelty, lacks suspense, and lacks some rationality in emotion. But maybe it can provide some inspiration.

  • Talon 2022-04-22 07:01:41

    The director can't... Who said Gwen can't act...

Proof quotes

  • Catherine: Do you want to go?

    Hal: I want to stay here with you.

    Catherine: Oh.

    Hal: I want to spend the day with you, if at all possible, I want to spend as much time with you as I can, unless I'm coming on way too strong right now and scaring you, in which case I'll begin back-pedalling immediately!

  • Claire: Did you use that conditioner I brought you?

    Catherine: No. Shit. I forgot.

    Claire: Well, it's my favorite. You'll love it, Katie. I want you to try it.

    Catherine: I'll try it next time.

    Claire: You'll like it. It has jojoba.

    Catherine: What is jojoba?

    Claire: It's something they put in for healthy hair.

    Catherine: Hair is dead.

    Claire: What?

    Catherine: It's... It's dead tissue. You can't make it healthy.

    Claire: Whatever. It's good for your hair.

    Catherine: Like what? A chemical?

    Claire: No. It's organic.

    Catherine: It can be organic and still be a chemical.

    Claire: I don't know what it is.

    Catherine: Heard of organic chemistry?

    Claire: It makes my hair look, smell and feel good, and that is the extent of my information about it. You might like it if you decide to use it.

    Catherine: Thanks. I'll try it.