Extended Reading
  • Janiya 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    How does one hold up a play

    If you were to ask who was the greatest actor of this era, the range of answers probably wouldn't stray from the Big Four - Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro and Jack Nicholson. Someone even shouted impatiently: Don't pretend to be a jerk, Robert DeNiro is one of the best. But if you ask who...

  • Yasmin 2022-03-14 14:12:21

    As if fate said: Disobedience is impossible

    Some people always want to be strong all their lives and never bow down to fate,
    so they will have many rules of their own, and they will ask those who touch their circles, or even hover on the edge, to abide by those rules. He will have a lot of requirements for himself, and usually these...

Scent of a Woman quotes

  • Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Goodbye, Willie. I'm no fucking good. I never have been.

  • [repeated line]

    Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Where's the booze? Flowin' like mud around here.