Extended Reading
  • Rosie 2022-04-20 09:01:02


    This should be the first sci-fi movie I've ever watched. The special effects in it made me stunned, and I often blurt out such a sigh! From then on, the tough guy is the image of Schwarzenegger in my cognition. Although he is a robot, he is still very moved in the process of getting along with...

  • Max 2022-04-22 07:01:01

    The movie is very good, but unfortunately the heroine is mentally retarded

    Watching Terminator 1 is so awesome. Then I found that Terminator 2 was also shot by Kashen, and the word of mouth also exploded.

    I finished watching this film today on 2020-04-04, it has been nearly 30 years since it was filmed in 1991. It can only be said that Kashen is not shouting in vain.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day quotes

  • John Connor: Todd and Janelle are dicks, but I've gotta warn them. You got a quarter?

    [the Terminator smashes into the coin bin and hands John a quarter]

    Janelle Voight: [answers the phone] Hello?

    John Connor: Janelle, it's me!

    Janelle Voight: John?

    John Connor: Yeah. Is everything all right? Are you guys okay?

    Janelle Voight: Sure, honey, everything's okay. Are you all right?

    John Connor: Yeah, I'm fine.

    Janelle Voight: John, it's late. Honey, I was beginning to worry about you. If you hurry home, we can sit down and have dinner together. I'm making beef stew.

    John Connor: [holds his hand over the phone] Something's wrong. She's never this nice.

    Janelle Voight: John, where are you?

    Todd Voight: [hearing Max barking outside] What the hell is that goddamn dog barking at?

    Todd Voight: [shouting at Max] Hey! Shut up you worthless piece of shit!

    John Connor: [to himself] The dog's really barking...

    Todd Voight: Thought you were gonna tell the kid to get rid of that fucking mutt.

    Janelle Voight: [uses her arm to kill Todd] John, honey, it's late. Please don't make me worry.

    John Connor: [to Terminator, hand over the phone] Could it already be there?

    Janelle Voight: Honey, are you okay?

    The Terminator: [takes the phone from John and impersonates his voice] I'm right here. I'm fine.

    Janelle Voight: Are you sure? Are you sure you're all right?

    The Terminator: [to John; normal voice] What's the dog's name?

    John Connor: Max.

    The Terminator: [impersonating John's voice] Hey Janelle, what's wrong with Wolfie? I can hear him barking. Is he all right?

    Janelle Voight: Wolfie's fine, honey. Wolfie's just fine. Where are you?

    The Terminator: [hangs up the phone] Your foster parents are dead.

  • The Terminator: [John starts to cry] What's wrong with your eyes?