Extended Reading
  • Unique 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    The children in this movie

    Although it is a horror movie, apart from the shock, I still appreciate the children's acting skills.
    The children who are learning and growing up in these orphanages are pitiful. They are the products of war, and they have experienced the evils of war. While the children around us are happily...

  • Brittany 2022-01-01 08:02:10

    "Ghost Children's Courtyard": a black fairy tale with light

    On the rainy night when Little Sandy was killed by Jacinto, a bomb fell from the sky, and it stuck in the yard without exploding.

    This is the source of the whole story of "Ghost Children's Courtyard", with a trace of bizarreness, a trace of mystery, or-very "Gilmo del Toro". As a Mexican native of...

  • Adrien 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    It is too lazy to attribute the sins of many people to one person and wash away the sins of others. When it came to "Pan's Labyrinth", it was considered to carry forward its own advantages.

  • Adrien 2022-04-20 09:01:55

    Why did the Chinese take part in the Spanish Civil War? 2013.08.13

The Devil's Backbone quotes

  • [first lines]

    [voice over narration]

    Casares: What is a ghost? A tragedy condemned to repeat itself time and again? An instant of pain, perhaps. Something dead which still seems to be alive. An emotion suspended in time. Like a blurred photograph. Like an insect trapped in amber.

  • Casares: Stay by my side as my light grows dim /as my blood slows down and my nerves shatter with stabbing pain / as my heart grows weak / and the wheels of my being turn slowly / Stay by my side /as my fragile body is racked by pain /which verges on truth / and manic time continues scattering dust / and furious life bursts out in flames. Stay by my side / as I fade / so you can point to the end of my struggle /and the twilight of eternal days / at the low, dark edge of life.