Extended Reading
  • Stefanie 2022-03-23 09:03:18

    One word, one world, one flower, one bodhi

    TLW, my personal understanding is actually "lesbian", just using this name, you can see a touch of understanding and ineffable, quite representative of the treatment of life reflected in the drama, of course, the words of a family are not credible, I just say That's it.

    Jenny - Yanluo's


  • Amos 2022-01-27 08:23:42

    How was Shane's castle broken?

    Just talk about the first three seasons. Shane, paige and molly, as well as 3Ps that have or not, we won't talk about this time.
    I don't understand why Shane falls in love with cherie so easily, and is so determined to her, it makes sense to read the analysis of my friends on Sina slo_mo blog, but...

  • Makenzie 2022-03-25 09:01:22

    Watched it late at night. 1. I like the tennis player and the chef very much. After the separation, I was very sad. Why didn't I go and get it back? Thinking of the chef's eyes at that time made me feel distressed. 2. Bette and Tina have always felt that they are healing existences. They have supported each other for seven years, and they are even ready to raise a baby. The final result really broke my heart. , almost unacceptable 3. Shane and Jenny look good

  • Erna 2022-03-23 09:03:18

    s1 14eps(2004); s2 13eps(2005); s3 12eps(2006); s4 12eps(2007); s5 12eps(2008);s6 8eps(2009).fin

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The L Word quotes

  • Alice: Dana.

    [short pause]

    Alice: You have a really nice ass.

    [slowly moves her hand and touches Dana's ass]

    Alice: [they start having rough sex with '80s pop music in background]

  • Alice: [talking about admitting that they are attracted to each other] Well, we just took the first step, we took the power out of it.

    Dana: [they slow down their stretching and begin to stare at each other. Dana kinda snaps out of it] I think we need to take the second step.

    [and jogs off]

    Alice: [nodding] Yeah, okay.

    Alice: [little bit later on] We need to counteract it. We just need to avoid all situations where we find each other most attractive.

    Dana: Mm-hmm.

    Alice: We need, like... rules of un-attraction.

    Dana: Okay, like never be alone together, in places like the bathroom at The Planet.

    Alice: Right! Never be alone together.

    Dana: Especially never be alone together... in places where's there's like a bed or a couch.

    Alice: Right, or - or - a table.

    Alice: Or a floor...

    [Dana smiles]

    Alice: Or the backseat of a car.

    Dana: [smiling] Ooh, that'd be good.

    [catching herself]

    Dana: That *wouldn't* be good!

    Alice: Okay, you need to stop showing up at The Planet after you've worked out, when you're all sweaty and your veins are all popping all over the place.

    Dana: You like that?

    Dana: [Alice raises her eyebrows and looks at Dana like duh!] Tonya hates that. Alright, well then you can't wear those shirts any more.

    Alice: What shirts?

    Dana: You know, the ones where...


    Dana: they cling to you in some places and fall off you in others?

    Dana: [Alice has a huge grin on her face. Dana kind of rolls her eyes] Fuck you.

    Alice: Okay, that's *totally* against the rules.