Extended Reading
  • Chauncey 2022-11-18 18:39:17

    attractive bad boy

    I came to see this film for bad boy Tom Hardy, the British version of the gangster family, only 4 episodes, the story and plot are very compact, the British will be subtle and concise, but not sopranos interspersed with so many rich characters and plots . Talking about the affairs of the rivers and...

  • Jaclyn 2022-12-08 16:47:47

    vicious circle

    Frieddie , little Frieddie.
    Jimmy, little Jimmy.
    Frieddie and Jakie are husband
    and wife Kill P (O said, people sometimes kill their loved ones) M kill F . At the beginning, Jimmy never thought that he would take the place of Ozzy in the end, and he never thought that...