Extended Reading
  • Leola 2022-08-16 20:29:29

    Where is the old captain?

    My rating: 7.5

    Movie reviews:

    The three tower guards went to an island with a clear division of labor and worked very hard every day. One day after the storm, a small boat was found at the bottom of the island, with a person beside him. The old captain let the sailor go down and pulled the box...

  • Keegan 2022-08-16 21:09:08

    The walking dead.

    My so-called good and evil are rewarded, my so-called morality, and my so-called respect for life are deeply and repeatedly tortured in this movie!

    In the process of watching a movie, I often substitute myself into the role in the film, and I would like to ask what choice would I make if I replaced...

The Vanishing quotes

  • Thomas: [showing a pirate trick to Kenny] The pressure gets so great it pops they eyeball right out of the head/socket

    Thomas: [to Donald who won't stop looking at a mutilated Gherd/Locke] Stop Staring At Him

  • Boor: Fucking Pig

    [last lines]

    Boor: It Wasn't Yours To Keep


    Boor: Keeper