Extended Reading
  • Krystal 2022-08-30 14:12:26

    Nordic temperament: yearning for a certain spiritual limit

    On the first day of the new year, Gil Shaham's melodious violin in the early morning was very beautiful, and in the afternoon, it was intoxicated by Glenn Gould's 32 short films. The former knew at first glance that it must be the note performed by the water bottle, and then found that it was the...

  • Abe 2022-08-30 15:12:42

    Thank you for letting me decipher the beauty from the snippet

    Someone once said to me: "Our time is sometimes fast and sometimes slow. All that remains in our memory are a few broken, uneven fragments that we spliced ​​together in our minds, breaking the otherwise continuous past. fall, become obtrusive, become painful." No one can be fully understood. But...

Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould quotes

  • Glenn Gould: I don't know what the effective ratio would be but I've always had a sort of intuition that for every hour you spend with other human beings, you need X number of hours alone. Now what that X represents, I don't really know, whether it be 2 and 7/8ths or 7 and 2/8ths, but it's a substantial ratio.

  • [first lines]

    Glenn Gould: [voiceover] My mother tells me that by five years old I had decided definitively to become a concert pianist. I think she had decided some time earlier. The story goes that while I was in the womb she played the piano continuously to give me a head start, and evidently it paid off. My mother was my first teacher, and I've never doubted her methods. After all, she introduced me to Bach.