Extended Reading
  • Nico 2022-04-19 09:02:47

    time is short

    I recently came across a book discussing what we face after death, citing countless examples of what near-death experiences bring to us about the unknown. The old people who are about to reach the end of their lives keep dreaming about the world after death and their dead relatives, which is said...

  • Arden 2022-01-22 08:03:15

    It's Time To Leave.

    "'Birth, old age, sickness and death' is not about the feelings written in the mouth or written in the book, but the real law, like the skin scum falling on your body, it is easy to be ignored."-I am very I like this sentence about "The Dead Time". I didn't expect it to be a French movie at the...

Time to Leave quotes

  • Laura: So, who have you told?

    Romain: No one. Just you.

    Laura: Friends? Colleagues?

    Romain: Nobody at all. I told them I needed a vacation.

    Laura: What about your sister?

    Romain: You're crazy. No way.

  • [Romain has told no one else of his terminal condition]

    Laura: So why did you tell me?

    Romain: Because you're like me. You'll be dying soon.