Extended Reading
  • Brionna 2022-10-04 17:45:14

    What is wrong with Secretary Kim - EP11-12

    EP11: I'm not alone

    In a cold and dilapidated room, 9-year-old Li Chengxian (handsome) is alone. The pale-faced long-haired woman seems to have not returned after a long time after going out. What should he do?

    Suddenly I heard the door opening and footsteps, and vaguely came the words of...

  • Cary 2022-10-05 13:25:35

    I can't marry anyone, it's a waste

    "Is it very dazzling?" "Is it the sun?" "No, the light on me!"

    "Okay, then keep working! I, Li Yingjun, can marry you!"