Extended Reading
  • Wiley 2021-12-15 08:01:16

    Too cheap

    Titles very creative and dazzling content is too cheap,
    there is no desire to comment
    as well, although the United States has a classification system
    full theater or full without parental guidance of 13,4-year-old child fart
    more exaggerated, there seems only primary school 8 and...

  • Arvid 2021-12-15 08:01:16

    [2011]His Royal Highness The Prince

    David Gordon Green and James Franco, who can clearly produce "Pineapple Express", can make such a terrible comedy?
    How could Natalie Portman, a talented girl, take such a stupid film?
    It's obviously for Natalie Portman. Why did the film appear in the middle of the film?
    Why did the...

  • Drake 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    It feels like a lot of vulgar and uninteresting movies.... What a waste of those scenes

  • Buster 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    Medieval cannabis comedy... let's not make this theme next time...

Your Highness quotes

  • [from trailer]

    [Fabious is bitten by a snake in the thigh]

    Courtney: SHIT!

    Fabious: You have to suck out the venom!

    Thadeous: I don't want to suck it, you suck it!

    Fabious: I can't suck my own venom!

    Thadeous: Yes you can! I'll help you!

    [pushes Fabious's head down]

    Thadeous: Suck it! Suck your venom!

    Fabious: I can't reach it with my mouth!

    Thadeous: Courtney, suck the venom!

    Courtney: But I've never...

    Thadeous: [pushes Courtney's head down] SUCK IT!

  • [from trailer]

    Isabel: Thaddeus, I have not been able to stop thinking of you.

    Thadeous: [pot in his hand] What a coincidence. I was just about to finish thinking of you.