Air Force One Quotes

  • Alice Marshall: I'm 12 years old, dad. In caveman days I'd be having children of my own.

    President James Marshall: That's what we call progress, young lady.

  • Grace: She couldn't stay your little girl forever Jim.

    President James Marshall: I know. But I was hoping she could wait until she was 14 or 15... or 50.

  • President James Marshall: If this works, you get to be Postmaster General.

  • President James Marshall: Peace isn't merely the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice.

  • Ivan Korshunov: I know what you're thinking, First Lady. You want me dead. Well, it might come to that. In the war, people die.

    Grace: This isn't war! You just murdered an unarmed woman.

    Ivan Korshunov: You, who murdered a 100,000 Iraqis to save a nickel on a gallon of gas. Are going to lecture me about the rules of war? Don't!

  • Alice Marshall: [to Korshunov] You are a monster, and my father is a great man. You're nothing like my father!

  • General Northwood: Nobody does this to the United States. The President will get his baseball glove back and play catch with this guy's balls!

  • President James Marshall: Did you hear my speech?

    Grace: Yeah.

    President James Marshall: Yeah?

    Grace: You're gonna get yourself re-elected.

    President James Marshall: That's what I keep telling them.

  • President James Marshall: GET OFF MY PLANE!

  • F-15 Fighter Pilot 'Halo 2': Sir, pull up! You've got one on your tail.

    President James Marshall: Get him off my tail!

    F-15 Fighter Pilot 'Halo 2': Missile away. Air Force One. Break left and climb!

    Major Caldwell: Sir, we've lost countermeasures.

    F-15 Fighter Pilot 'Halo 2': This is Halo-2. They've lost countermeasures. I'm going in.

    [takes the missile for Air Force One]

  • White House General: [after hearing the president] My God! Is he saying what I think he's saying?

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: If we're going to act, we have to act now.

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: It's too risky.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: The president is up there with a gun to his head.

    General Northwood: He asking us to do that to Air Force One?

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: He's not asking. Your Commander-in-Chief has issued a direct order. Do it!

  • Russian President Petrov: Today we are honoring this brave man. Ladies and gentlemen, my friend, the President of the United States of America.

    President James Marshall: IN RUSSIAN. The dead remember our indifference. The dead remember our silence.

    President James Marshall: I came here tonight to be congratulated, but today when I visited the Red Cross camps, overwhelmed by the flood of refugees fleeing from the horror of Kazakhstan, I realized I don't deserve to be congratulated. None of us do.

    National Security Advisor Jack Doherty: What's he doing?

    Chief of Staff Lloyd Shepherd: That's not the speech.

    President James Marshall: Let's speak the truth. And the truth is, we acted too late. Only when our own national security was threatened did we act. Radek's regime murdered over 200,000 men, women, and children, and we watched it on TV. We let it happen. People were being slaughtered for over a year and we issued economic sanctions and hid behind the rhetoric of diplomacy. How dare we? The dead remember. Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice. And tonight I come to you with a pledge to change America's policy. Never again will I allow our political self-interest to deter us from doing what we know to be morally right. Atrocity and terror are not political weapons and to those who would use them: your day is over. We will never negotiate. We will no longer tolerate, and we will no longer be afraid. It's your turn to be afraid.

  • Ivan Korshunov: The President is safe - but then you must know that. He ran from here like a whipped dog! I'm sure you can't wait for him to get back to making the decisions so you can stop... sweating... through that silk blouse of yours!

  • Vice President Kathryn Bennett: What are your intentions?

    Ivan Korshunov: What arrogance... to think you could ever understand my intentions!

  • Ivan Korshunov: When you talk to the President, you might remind him that I am holding his wife, his daughter, his chief of staff, his national security advisor, his classified papers - and his baseball glove! If he wants them back, he will prevail upon the puppet regime in Moscow to release General Radek. Fifty for one. It's a good deal. How's your blouse?

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: What assurances do I have that you'll keep your word?

    Ivan Korshunov: I'll wait for confirmation that General Radek has been released. Until then... I will execute a hostage every half an hour. You have my word.

  • [Crossing three wires blindly]

    President James Marshall: I'm counting on you, red, white and blue.

  • Ivan Korshunov: Your national security advisor has just been executed. He's a very good negotiator. He bought you another half hour.

  • Agent Gibbs: Give me the strap!

    President James Marshall: I trusted you with my life.

    Agent Gibbs: So will the next President. Now, give it to me.

  • Melanie Mitchel: Mr. President, the Russian news crew is with us. I told them you'd give them a sound bite about life in the White House.

    President James Marshall: There *is* no life in the White House!

  • Colonel Carlton: Okay guys give me some room. I've just been ordered to fire on Air Force One.

  • Sergei Lenski: We have the President.

  • Ivan Korshunov: I understand that Air Force One can refuel in mid-air. Well we need fuel, and we need it now.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. If you land the plane we'll trade fuel for hostages.

    Ivan Korshunov: This is bullshit! It's simple physics. Without fuel the plane crashes,


    Ivan Korshunov: everybody dies!

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: We're trying to do everything we can.

    Ivan Korshunov: Tell me what I want to hear or I will execute a member of the senior staff and continue killing one hostage every minute until the plane crashes, or refueling plane arrive. Well what do you say?

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Fuel's on its way.

    Ivan Korshunov: Thank you.

  • President James Marshall: Kathryn, if you give a mouse a cookie...

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: It's gonna want a glass of milk.

  • Ivan Korshunov: You can end this all with one phone call Mr. President!


  • President James Marshall: [after seeing an enemy plane being blown up] HAHAHA. The good guys are here.

  • [last lines]

    Liberty 24 Pilot: Mr. President, welcome aboard, sir!

  • National Security Advisor Jack Doherty: [to Ivan] The Vice President in this case is like the Queen of England. You can't even buy airline tickets without talking to someone like me. Therfore, let me speak to The White House because I can assure you, I'm the one person who can make this all work out.

  • President James Marshall: You're not here for this, you want something. What is it?

    Ivan Korshunov: I want Radek.

    President James Marshall: How can I do that, I can't do that!

    Ivan Korshunov: Then you die the three of you.

    President James Marshall: I'll do anything to save my family DON'T ASK ME FOR SOMETHING I CAN'T GIVE!

    Ivan Korshunov: The most powerful man on the earth, and there certain things you cannot do. This is very curious, stop with your fuckin' LIES!

  • [first lines]

    Major Perkins: [after landing in Kazakstan] Quick head count! One, two, three, four, five. Move out!

  • [Ivan has just killed Melanie Mitchell]

    Ivan Korshunov: I know what you're thinking First Lady,you want me dead. Well we may come to that. You see people do die in wars.

    Grace: This isn't war! YOU JUST MURDERED AN UNARMED WOMAN!

  • [Ivan has just killed Jack Doherty]

    Alice Marshall: Why did you kill him?

    Ivan Korshunov: Because I believe.

  • [Phillips is talking Marshall through dumping fuel with the avionics panel]

    Phillips, AFO Chief Mechanic: Hold on, just let me double-check, sir...

    President James Marshall: Oh, for Christ's sakes, man, hurry up!

    Phillips, AFO Chief Mechanic: Sir, if you get the wrong wire, you'll cut the engine feeds, and the plane will crash.

    President James Marshall: Then we don't want to get the wrong wire, do we?

  • Vice President Kathryn Bennett: How the hell did they get Air Force One?

  • Ivan Korshunov: I would turn my back on God Himself for Mother Russia

  • Boris Bazylev: Go on, blyad!

  • Alice Marshall: [watching a football game] Pass interference. That's cheating!

    President James Marshall: Only if they get caught.

  • President James Marshall: Do you know who I am? I'm the President of the United States!

    Boris Bazylev: Don't think that means I don't shoot you!

  • Air Force One Pilot: [as Ivan and Andrei are trying to get into the cockpit and stop the plane from landing] . No matter what happens, we land this aircraft is that understood?

  • Liberty 24 Pilot: Blue Star... Air Force One is down!

    Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty 24 have you got the president?


    Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty DO YOU HAVE THE PRESIDENT!

    Liberty 24 Pilot: Standby...

    Liberty 24 crew member: [President Marshal is grabbed off the line and taken on board]

    [a watching crew member on his ear set]

    Liberty 24 crew member: ... Liberty 24 is changing call sign, Liberty 24 is now Air Force One!

  • President James Marshall: Where are your chutes, guys?

    Agent Gibbs: We stay with the president.

    President James Marshall: Thank you.

  • Major Caldwell: [the Liberty 24 pararescue team only has time for one more retrieval] Mr. President, it's time to get you off this plane!

  • Ivan Korshunov: You've been very busy downstairs, haven't you? Killing my men?

    Ivan Korshunov: [Slaps President Marshall's face after been tied with tape]

    Ivan Korshunov: [Punches President Marshall's stomach]

    Ivan Korshunov: [Lies down President Marshall against a desk and takes his gun and points it at his head]

    Grace: NO!

    President James Marshall: You don't wanna do that. I'm what you came for, don't forget that.

    Ivan Korshunov: Then I'll kill them. Or just one? You pick. That's what you do in the White House? You play God.

  • President James Marshall: These MiGs... how far away are they?

    ["Radar Lock" screen beeps]

    President James Marshall: Never mind

  • [while talking to Alice]

    Grace: YOU leave her alone

    Ivan Korshunov: Shet Up

  • President James Marshall: [to Korshunov just before he knocks him off the back of Air Force One] Get off my plane!

  • President James Marshall: [after he is slammed by Korshunov against a computer] Petrov will never give up Radek!

    Ivan Korshunov: Petrov is a dog, eh. He does as you tell him to.

    Ivan Korshunov: [Slams President Marshall against the earphone plugs and points his gun at his neck] Tell him to do this.

    President James Marshall: [while holding a glass] Petrov used me, I just want to stop the bloodshed, he wanted a personal victory. Petrov hates Radek.

    Ivan Korshunov: Of course he hates Radek, Radek is everything he is not. A great man, A STRONG MAN. What are you saying? He will refuse you.

    President James Marshall: You'd be playing right in to his hands, are you an idiot, you'd make him into a hero, the man who stopped the terrorist. Or better yet, the man who stopped me.

    Ivan Korshunov: [Grabs Marshall's neck] You talk as you have nothing to do with this. This is all you are doing, this infection, you call freedom without meaning and without purpose. You have given my country to gangsters, and prostitutes. You have TAKENED EVERYTHING FROM US! There's nothing left.

    [Spits on Marshall's face and puts his gun again at his neck and grabs a phone]

    Ivan Korshunov: Call him.

    President James Marshall: No. NO!

  • Defense Secretary Walter Dean: The United States does not negotiate with terrorists. It's been our bedrock principle for 25 years. You can't give in to them now. It'll be open season on the U.S. Many more will die.

  • Grace Marshall: You said you were gonna release us.

    Ivan Korshunov: Forgive me. I lied.

  • Chief of Staff Lloyd Shepherd: Who's down there in the baggage deck? The Russians said it's a secret service agent. Who?

    Agent Gibbs: We have no idea sir.

    Chief of Staff Lloyd Shepherd: Melanie was shot because one of your men wouldn't show himself. I want to know who the son of a bitch he is.

    Agent Gibbs: We'd like to know ourselves.

    Major Caldwell: Sir, it's someone who is smart enough to know if you're hunting with one bullet, you wait for a clean shot.

    Chief of Staff Lloyd Shepherd: What are you saying, Major?

    Major Caldwell: I am saying sir, whoever that is down there, he may be our only hope.

    Chief of Staff Lloyd Shepherd: Our only hope is that Washington complies with this bastard. Because any minute now another one of us is dead. And you know what? I'm afraid it might be me.

  • General Northwood: Moscow police found six members of a Russian TV news crew murdered. The same crew that was cleared to fly on Air Force One.

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: Jesus.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Oh, please tell me it's not that easy.

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: No. You would have to generate fake ID, photo, fingerprints.

    General Northwood: Could be with a little help from Moscow.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: How would they get the weapons on board the plane?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: There's no way to get weapons aboard Air Force One. It's impossible.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Well, there are enough weapons already on board to take Panama, but who has access to them?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: You think someone on the plane helped them?

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: What if somebody did and they're still on the plane? Who do they trust up there? Who do we trust?

  • Defense Secretary Walter Dean: We found the escape pod. It's empty.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: So where's the president?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: I think we have to acknowledge the possibility that the president may be dead.

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: Why wouldn't they tell us?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: Diversion. Try to buy some time. It could've happened in a crossfire, and they're afraid we'll retaliate.

    General Northwood: Damn right we'll retaliate. We'll release General Radek into the god damn atmosphere.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: It doesn't add up. That terrorist knew that we'd recover the pod in short order. He expected that we'd be talking to Marshall.

    White House General: Let's not bury him yet. He could still be alive on that plane. Let's not forget this president is a Medal of Honor winner. In Vietnam, he flew more helicopter rescue missions than any man in my command. He knows how to fight.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Then he's taking a terrible chance with his life.

    White House General: The element of surprise is a formidable advantage in combat. If he's up there, he's the best chance that we have.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: That pod was designed for a reason, General. He has no right to take chances with his life.

  • Grace Marshall: Where is my husband?

    Ivan Korshunov: He has fled. The coward chose to save himself. But one can always... strike a bargain.

    Grace Marshall: No, you listen to me. I don't know who you are or what you want, but you will never get it. He will not negotiate.

    Ivan Korshunov: Really? His wife. His daughter. A man could not live with himself. And it would be such... bad politics.

    [putting his gun to her head]

    Ivan Korshunov: I think he'll negotiate.

  • Vice President Kathryn Bennett: This is the Vice President of the United States. To whom am I speaking?

    Ivan Korshunov: This is the person who controls Air Force One. The world's most... secure aircraft.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: What is it that you want?

    Ivan Korshunov: We'll get to that.

  • Vice President Kathryn Bennett: I want to understand what it is that you want.

    Ivan Korshunov: What do I want? When Mother Russia becomes one great nation again, when the capitalists are dragged from the Kremlin and shot in the street, when our enemies run and hide in fear at the mention of our name, and America begs our forgiveness on that great day of deliverance, you will know what I want.

  • Vice President Kathryn Bennett: What does the psych profile say? How far do they say he'll go?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: He's a Radek loyalist. That tells us all we need to know, doesn't it?

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: He'll see this thing through to the last hostage or his own death.

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: You release this bastard, and all of Central Asia will go up in flames!

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: I'm well aware of that.

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: Bring back the old Soviet empire under a flag of genocide? Radek with a nuclear arsenal? I hate to say this, but 50 people is a small price to pay to stop that from happening.

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: Even if one of them is the president?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: The presidency is bigger than any one man. Didn't they teach you that at Yale?

  • Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Can't we release him today and pick up the pieces tomorrow? We caught him before, we catch him again.

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: If Petrov releases Radek, his government will fall. I promise you that. Then who's gonna stand up to Radek? You go to catch him again, you're gonna find him in Moscow.

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: With all respect, Mr. Secretary, we don't need more dramatics. We need options.

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: It's not an option.

    White House Aide Thomas Lee: We need a decision.

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: It's not her decision.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: No?

    Defense Secretary Walter Dean: This is a military situation. I'm the Secretary of Defense. Check your regs. In the absence of the president, the buck stops here.

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Get the Attorney General with a copy of the Constitution. We have...

    [checking their watches]

    Vice President Kathryn Bennett: Oh, my god! 19 minutes. I'm gonna consult with President Petrov.