Be Right Back Quotes

  • Martha: He would have worked out what was going on. This wouldn't have ever, ever happened, but if it had, he would have worked it out

    Ash: Sorry, hang on, that's a very difficult sentence to process

  • Martha: See, Ash would've been scared. He wouldn't have just leapt off, he would have been crying...

    Ash: [starts crying] Please don't make me do it. No.

    Martha: That's not fair.

  • Martha: Don't call me your administrator.

  • Ash: Just sharing that.

    [he holds the photo of Ash as a boy]

    Ash: Thought people might find it funny.

    Martha: It's not funny; It's sweet.

    Ash: Trust me; that day wasn't sweet... first family outing after Jack died... When I came down the next morning all Jack's photos were gone... she put them in the attic. It's how she dealt with stuff. And then when dad died, up went his photos to the attic. She just left this one here. Her only boy giving her a fake smile

    Martha: She didn't know it was fake.

    Ash: Maybe that makes it worse.

  • Ash: I aim to please.

    Martha: Aim to jump just do it!