Before the Flood Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Leonardo DiCaprio: My first visual memories are of this framed poster above my crib. I'd stare at it every night before I went to bed. My father was an underground comic distributor.

  • Fox News Anchor: Who better to educate world leaders about Climate Change and a crisis that doesn't exist but an actor from Hollywood with zero years of scientific training!

  • Leonardo DiCaprio: I remember the anger that I felt, reading all these stories about explorers and settlers who would wipe out an entire species and, in the process, decimate the eco-system forever. The difference now is: We're knowingly doing this. It's just on a much larger scale.

  • Johann Rockström (professor, environmental science, Stockholm U): We are on average moving towards four degree warming this century. And we haven't been in a four degree warmer world for the past four million years.

  • Gregory Mankiw: If we want to change the President's view on carbon tax

    [or any other specific issue]

    Gregory Mankiw: , we need to change the public's view on carbon tax

    [or any other specific issue]

    Gregory Mankiw: . Politicians, although we call them our elected leaders, are really our elected followers... they DO what the People want them to do. ~ Gregory Mankiw, Harvard economics professor

  • Leonardo DiCaprio: You are the last best hope of Earth. We ask you to protect it or we, and all living things we cherish, are history.