Extreme Measures Quotes

  • Dr. Lawrence Myrick: What if there was hope? What would it be worth to be able to walk again? To be able to feed yourself? To go back to your old life? To be a doctor? What would you endure?

  • Jodie Trammel: You made a moral choice and not a medical one. I guess I'm kind of surprised, that's all.

    Dr. Guy Luthan: On my right I see a cop with pictures of his kids in his wallet, and on my left some guy who's taken out a gun on a city bus! I had ten seconds to make a choice. I hope I made the right one.

  • [repeated line]

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Triphase...

  • Dr. Guy Luthan: You're a creepy person, aren't you?

  • [Guy is facing an explusion hearing due to be wrongly accused of drugs charges]

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Okay, look. It seems that you believe that I am somebody who had a great career, would just suddenly throw it all away. It seems more believable to you than somebody in this hospital is covering up the death of a patient of mine who's body just seemed to disappear into thin fucking air!

  • Det. Stone: Any time you need me, give me a call. It's Stone, as in Sharon.

  • Dr. Guy Luthan: [the Half-Mole stops at the top of a staircase, deep underground] Is it down there? Well I'm not paying you until I get there.

    Half-Mole: [after a long pause and speaking for the first time] I don't go down there

    Dr. Guy Luthan: How do I know you're telling the truth?

    Half-Mole: You're still alive

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [Guy hands him the money]

    Half-Mole: To the bottom and through

  • Dr. Guy Luthan: Something strange has happened to one of my patients...

    Dr. Jeffrey Manko: [not paying any attention] Now why won't this new system accept my security code?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Okay, listen...

  • Dr. Guy Luthan: Listen to me for fuck's sake I'm not killing anyone! I'm here because whoever did kill Claude has fucked up my life! Is Teddy here? If Teddy is here, you *have* to let me *see* him!

    Mole Lady: [after a long pause] He's here

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [as Ted writhes in pain] How long has he been here?

    Mole Lady: Four days. We found him at the factories, he was trying to make his way back here

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Okay, I just need to turn him over. Here, hold his head

    [it reveals a nasty gash exposing a vertebrae]

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Jesus... That's why they do the lab tests

    Mole Lady: Who's 'they'?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [not appearing to hear] That's why they do the lab tests. Someone's using healthy subjects

    Mole Leader: Why us?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: They think you won't be missed

    Mole Leader: It's Gramercy, isn't it? That's where we all go

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Wait a minute, what others are you talking about?

    Skicap: He knows... and this motherfucker's in on it!

    Mole Leader: [he glares, warning the other man to back off] We had a guy from the dockywards... they take the strong ones, they take men

    Dr. Guy Luthan: They're playing with healthy spines... someone's cut him...

  • Dr. Guy Luthan: [is speaking on phone] Judith, it's Guy. Listen. I've been shot. Listen, they're hijacking people from the hospital and using them as some sort of research... I'm pretty sure that's what Triphase is, it's a kind of research program and someone at Grammercy is working for them! Listen, there's a cop, called Stone, call him, he might believe me, Judith please pick up...

  • Det. Bob Burke: Come on Doc... Move It

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [pauses] How did you know I was a Doctor?

    [suddenly realising]

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Oh Christ they're going to kill us

  • Jodie Trammel: [on betraying Guy for Myrick to help her brother] Because I was the one driving the car

  • Dr. Lawrence Myrick: I'm 68 years old, I don't have much time. Three years with a rat to get to a dog, and after five years - if I'm lucky - maybe I can work on a chimp? We have to move faster than that. I'm doing medicine here no one's ever DREAMED of! This is baseline neuro-chemistry, Guy!

    Dr. Guy Luthan: You're killing people.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: [Shrugs] People die every day. For what? For nothing. Plane crash, train wreck? Bosnia - pick your tragedy. Sniper in a restaurant, fifteen dead, story at eleven. What do we do? What do you do? You change the channel, you move on to the next patient. You take care of the ones you think you can save. Good doctors do the correct thing - GREAT doctors have the guts to do the right thing. Your father had those guts. So do you. Two patients on either side of the room - one a gold-plated cop, the other a maniac that pulled a gun on a city bus. Who do you work on first? You knew, Guy. You knew. If you could cure cancer by killing one person, wouldn't you have to do that? Wouldn't that be the brave thing to do? One person and cancer's gone tomorrow. You thought you were paralyzed. What would you have done to be able to walk again? Anything. You said it yourself. Anything. You were like that for... twenty four hours.

    [Puts his hands on Helen's shoulders]

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: Helen hasn't walked for twelve years. I can cure her... and everyone like her. The door's open. You can go out there and... put a stop to everything and it'll all be over. Or we can go upstairs and change medicine forever. It's your call, Guy.

    Helen: [after a nervous pause] ... Guy?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: ...maybe you're right. Those men upstairs, maybe... there isn't much point to their lives. Maybe they are doing a great thing for the world. Maybe they are heroes.

    [Helen and Dr. Myrick look relieved]

    Dr. Guy Luthan: But they didn't choose to be. You chose for them. You didn't choose your wife... or your granddaughter... you didn't ask for volunteers. You chose for them, and you can't do that. Because you're a doctor. Because you took an oath. And you're not God. So I don't care, I don't care if you can do what you say you can. I don't care if you can find a cure for every disease on this planet! You tortured and murdered those men upstairs. And that makes you a disgrace to your profession. And I hope you go to jail for the rest of your life.

    [Helen begins to cry]

    Dr. Guy Luthan: ... I'm sorry.

  • Dr. Lawrence Myrick: I've seen your chart, it's a terrible thing. I'd like to try to help.

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [not looking at him] If you want to help me... let me die.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: That's a common request.

    Dr. Guy Luthan: Please... 400 of potassium chloride in my IV.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: ...What if there was hope?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: No. There isn't.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: [more pointedly] What if there was hope? What would it be worth, to be able to walk again, to be able to feed yourself? To go back to your old life, to be a doctor? What would you endure?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [finally looks at him] What are you talking about?

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: I'm asking you a question. What do you think that would be worth?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: I can't live like this.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: With proper care, you can live 20 years like this. What would you do? What would you risk to change that?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: [stubbornly] I have a C6 break in my cord.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: What if I told you that there was a chance you could be healed? That there was a procedure that offered you... a good chance... that you might walk again? What would you do to make that happen?

    Dr. Guy Luthan: ...Anything.

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: Anything?

    [takes off his glasses]

    Dr. Lawrence Myrick: You'd better think about that.


    Dr. Guy Luthan: What do you mean? What do you mean? Wait! Dr. Myrick? Dr. Myrick!

Extreme Measures

Director: Michael Apted

Language: English Release date: September 27, 1996