Letters to Juliet Quotes

  • Victor: It's not a mushroom, okay. It's a truffle.

  • Sophie: So no Lake Garda today?

    Victor: Well, Lake Garda's been there for five hundred thousand years.

  • Sophie: [drily] I'm sorry, I didn't know love had an expiration date.

  • Claire: Charlie doesn't approve, which makes it all the more fun.

  • Charlie: [trying to convince Claire to leave] It's been a long day.

    Claire: All right, darling, have a nice sleep.

  • Charlie: [as Sophie interrupts yet again] Oh - *here she comes!*

  • Sophie: I think it's a story worth telling.

  • Sophie: That's so romantic.

    Charlie: What's so romantic about eating in the dirt?

  • Charlie: It's over! We're done! We've found Nemo!

  • Claire: [about Sophie] She's coming!

    Charlie: [sarcastically] Oh, she's coming? Oh, *splendid!*

  • Sophie: "Happy"? Did your grandson say "Happy"?

  • Claire: Charlie, say you're sorry.

  • Claire: I think you understand why I'm saying you're a total idiot.

    Charlie: Okay, okay, gran. Don't sugarcoat it.

    Claire: I won't.

  • Charlie: [running after her] Sophie! Sophie!

    [Sophie appears on the balcony]

    Charlie: Of course! The balcony!

  • Charlie: Because the truth is, Sophie, I am madly, truly, deeply, passionately in love with you.

  • Sophie: [checking to see if he's unhurt] Can you move?

    Charlie: Only my lips.

    [they kiss]

  • Charlie: I would have grabbed her from that blasted balcony and been done with it.

  • Charlie: Patricia is my cousin!

    Sophie: How is that legal?

  • Charlie: [Claire told him that Sophie's mother had deserted her at an early age] But that's different.

    Claire: Oh, of course it is. Her mother chose to leave her. You always knew your parents loved you.

  • Sophie: [reading out Claire's letter] I didn't go to him, Juliet. I didn't go to Lorenzo. His eyes were so full of trust, I promised I'd meet him and run away together because my parents don't approve. But, instead, I left him waiting for me below our tree - waiting and wondering where I was. I'm in Verona now. I return to London in the morning and I am so afraid. Please, Juliet, tell me what I should do. My heart is breaking and I have no one else to turn to. Love, Claire.

  • Claire: [reading out the letter written by Sophie] Dear Claire. "What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What... if? What, if? What *if*...? I don't know how your story ended, but if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart. I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like - a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for - but I'd like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I'd have the courage to seize it. And, Claire, if you didn't, I hope one day that you will. All my love, Juliet.

  • Builder: [as Sophie walks past, takes an interest in the pretty blonde] Hey sweetheart, can I help you carry your magazine?

  • [last lines]

    Sophie: Are you okay?

    Charlie: Please tell me no one saw that.

    Sophie: Nobody saw it.

    Charlie: Good. That's good.

    Sophie: Can you move?

    Charlie: Only my lips.

  • Charlie: Well, wouldn't this be nice, Gran? Going from a boy who works the fields to a man who owns them. And you got to skip the messy bits.

    Claire: Life is the messy bits.

  • Claire: One of the great joys in life is having one's hair brushed.

    [Sophie closes her eyes blissfully]

  • Charlie: Listen. Listen to me very carefully. I live in London, a gorgeous, vibrant, historic city that I happen to love living in. You live in New York, which is highly overrated... But since the Atlantic Ocean is a bit wide to cross every day, swimming, boating or flying, I suggest we flip for it... And if those terms are unacceptable, leaving London will be a pleasure, as long as you're waiting for me on the other side. 'Cause the truth is, I am Madly, Deeply, Truly, Passionately in Love with You.

  • Sophie: Doubt thou the stars are fire,

    Sophie: Doubt that the sun doth move,

    Charlie: Doubt truth to be a liar,

    Charlie: But never doubt I love.

  • Isabella: Your Victor is very passionate.

    Sophie: Yes, yes, I know. But, he seems to think that he's Italian since we got here, and although imitation is, of course, the highest form of flattery, his imitation is not very good.

  • Variety of Men in Montage: I am Lorenzo Bartolini.

  • Lorenzo: I went for a ride this morning as an old man, and I came back as a teenager again.

  • Lorenzo: Destiny wanted us to meet again. Grazie, destino!

  • Sophie: I'm not a chicken.

    Charlie: And I'm not a gentleman.

  • Charlie: [after the trio finds the grave of a man with the same name of "Lorenzo Bertoli", Charlie wants to give up the search for Lorenzo and is accusing Sophie for putting his grandmother Claire through pain] You're not here 'because you're some romantic who wants to believe in love lasting forever! You're here for the story. Here to see how it all ends! It doesn't matter to you if it's a happy ending or a sad ending as long as it's compelling, right? As long as there's drama.

    Sophie: You think that's true?

    Charlie: I'm just looking out for her!

    Sophie: No you're not! You're not walking away for her, you're walking away for you!

    Charlie: [angrily] She's dealt with enough grief in her life! She's lost her husband, her daughter and her son-in-law! Now, *you* come along and set her up to lose someone she already lost fifty years ago! But why should I expect you to anything? You don't know ANYTHING about loss!

    [Sophie stares at Charile, deeply hurt. She turns and walks away]

    Claire: [to Charlie] You're wrong.

    Charlie: What?

    Claire: That is very wrong, Charlie. She lost her mother.

    Charlie: It's different.

    Claire: It is. Her mother *chose* to leave her. You always knew that your parents loved you.

  • Sophie: Oh my, God.

    Victor: Hey, close your eyes. Close your eyes, close your eyes. Close your eyes, close your eyes. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. lt's good? Yeah.

    Sophie: Yeah.

    Victor: Yes? No? Yes? Yes!

  • Victor: You know, l mean, modestly speaking, l think l'm creating a masterpiece.

  • Sophie: You know what? Why don't you go see the truffle place - and l'll go do my thing and sightsee?

    Victor: Really? Yeah! Win-win!

  • Donatella: Husbands are like wine. They take a long time to mature.

  • Angelina: This is the problem of the Americani. Always running.

  • Donatella: l think she came back to find her one true love.

    Francesca: And they had 10 children and still make passionate love every night.

    Maria: Except he got bald and fat - and she has to do all the work.

  • Francesca: Listen to what this poor girl writes. ''Juliet, is there anything worse in this world than a man?''

    Donatella: Yes. Two.

  • Sophie: You don't think that she wants to meet me?

    Charlie: l honestly think she has no interest meeting a woman that can manage to jam, ''Oh, my God'' and ''awesome'' into the same sentence.

  • Claire: He thinks it's a big mistake.

    Donatella: [to Charlie] Because you don't have a romantic bone in your body.

    Charlie: No, no. lt's because l am a realist. No.

    Isabella: Because you are an Englishman!

    Maria: Cold as fish!

  • Claire: He loved the earth. He loved talking to me about the rain and the springs of fresh water, and we'd walk for miles and miles. We'd lie in the dry grass. l can still remember the smell of his sweet, hot sweat and...

    Charlie: Okay. Okay, Gran. We get the picture.

  • Claire: Charlie's just like my husband. Both skeptics. My husband always insisted that love was nothing but hormones. But you see, underneath, he had such a warm, passionate heart. And Charlie's just the same.

  • Sophie: Listen, this is my job. l find things. And through process of elimination and caveat emptor, which will require assembling a few more facts, we can narrow this down considerably.

    Charlie: Did Ms. Awesome For Real just use "caveat emptor"?

    Sophie: Oh, please, all right. l went to Brown. Double Major. Minor in Latin.

    Charlie: This is madness. lt's madness.

  • Charlie: You look surprised.

    Sophie: l'm so surprised. l just didn't have you pinned down as the save-humanity type at all.

    Charlie: Really? And what type did you have me pinned down for exactly?

    Sophie: Well, l was leaning towards elitist Oxford prig, but now that you mention it, self-satisfied do-gooder works, as well.

    Charlie: l guess you're a poor judge of character then.

    Claire: But she does deal with facts, Charlie.

  • Charlie: Forgive me. Where are my manners?

    Sophie: You know, l've been wondering that since l met you.

    Charlie: Yes, well, l don't know what it is, but you seem to bring out the very worst in me.

  • Charlie: You know, l'm not the buttoned-up, buttock-clenching killjoy you try to make me out as.

    Sophie: Right. And l made you argue that true love is bollocks.

    Charlie: Guilty.

  • Sophie: ls she okay? l mean, does she need anything?

    Charlie: No need. She's tough as old boots, that one. Churchill in a dress.

  • Charlie: l'm not a big believer in happy endings, l'm afraid.

  • Sophie: And you broke up with her?

    Charlie: And you broke up with her? Are you insinuating that l'm more the type to be dumped rather than do the dumping?

  • Charlie: How come you've never shown your work to anyone?

    Sophie: l never feel like it's finished.

    Charlie: Why?

    Sophie: Because l guess l'm a perfectionist.

    Charlie: You know that's just another way of saying ''l'm a chicken.''

  • Sophie: Do you know what you are? You are the Montagues and the Capulets.

    Charlie: Oh, you mean - oh well, at least l'm not Romeo.

    Sophie: That's the understatement of the century!

    Charlie: No, no, no, because you see, if l found the love of my life, l wouldn't stand there like an idiot whispering in a garden. l would just grab her from that blasted balcony and be done with it.

    Sophie: Do you believe in destiny?

    Charlie: Do you?

  • Charlie: lt's nearly tomorrow and l don't want to go.

  • Sophie: There are these women who call themselves the Secretaries of Juliet. They write letters to the people that write letters to Juliet.

  • Sophie: [re Claire] She's awesome.

    Charlie: I respect your usage of the word this one instance.

    Sophie: I'm flattered. Thank you for approving.

    Charlie: You're welcome.

  • Sophie: Do you have any advice?

    New Yorker Magazine Editor Bobby: I think you should buy stock in Alitalia... 'cause all the ladies are gonna flock to Verona.

  • Claire: [hugs Sophie] An angel brought you to me.