When a Stranger Calls Quotes

  • Jill Johnson: [On phone] You really scared me, if that's what you wanted. Is that what you wanted?

    Voice of the Stranger: No.

    Jill Johnson: What do you want?

    Voice of the Stranger: Your blood all over me.

  • Jill Johnson: [phone rings] Hello?

    [no answer]

    Jill Johnson: [sighs] Mandrakis Residence.

    Voice of the Stranger: Have you checked the children?

    Jill Johnson: What?

    [stranger hangs up, Jill runs and checks on the children, and comes back downstairs]

    Jill Johnson: [phone rings] Hello?

    Voice of the Stranger: [pauses] How were the children?

  • Jill Johnson: [phone rings]


    Jill Johnson: Stop calling me, you sick...

    Officer Burroughs: Jill, Jill! We traced the call! It's coming from inside the house! Do you hear me? It's coming from inside the house! You need to get out! Jill?

    [power goes out]

  • Jill Johnson: Where is he?

    Officer Burroughs: We got him. He's in that police car right over there. In ankle cuffs, handcuffs. Enough sedatives to kill a horse. We're gonna take him to the hospital. We'll have four cops guarding him around the clock.

    Jill Johnson: That's not enough.

  • Guy: Hi... What are you wearing?

    Jill Johnson: Combat boots and a parka, you jerk. Who is this? This isn't funny!

    Guy: Yes it is!

  • Officer Burroughs: Do you have any friends that can come stay with you?

    Jill Johnson: They're all at the bonfire.

  • Tiffany Madison: I bet they have a killer bar!

  • Jill Johnson: Tiffany, I know it's you. I can see your name on Caller ID, genius.

    Voice of the Stranger: This isn't Tiffany.

    Jill Johnson: Who is this?

    Voice of the Stranger: [pause] Who is this?

    Jill Johnson: Cody?

    Voice of the Stranger: Who's Cody?

    Jill Johnson: You better cut this out!

    [stranger hangs up]

  • Officer Burroughs: Has he been using threatening language?

    Jill Johnson: No, sometimes he doesn't even say anything, he just keeps on calling.

  • Jill Johnson: It's beautiful.

  • Jill Johnson: He can see me!

    Officer Burroughs: Sorry?

    Jill Johnson: It's Jill, the girl who called before about the man who keeps on calling.

    Officer Burroughs: What's going on?

    Jill Johnson: He called me again.

    Officer Burroughs: What did he say?

    Jill Johnson: He's out there, he's outside, he's watching me through the windows.

    Officer Burroughs: Did you see him?

    Jill Johnson: No, but I know he can see me, because I went upstairs...

    Officer Burroughs: OK, take a deep breath, where's the housekeeper?

    Jill Johnson: I don't know. I saw her purse and the keys but I can't find her.

    Officer Burroughs: The house locked up?

    Jill Johnson: Yes.

    Officer Burroughs: Alarm system?

    Jill Johnson: It's on.

    Officer Burroughs: OK, you're safe inside that house. If he wanted to break in, he wouldn't be calling.

    Jill Johnson: But he must want something!

    Officer Burroughs: Listen to me, miss, it's just some asshole trying to hassle you.

  • Tiffany Madison: Jill I'm a bitch, I know that, you know that, everybody knows that.