Really a good story

Carol 2022-01-01 08:02:34

David Ayer's debut as a director. He is also the screenwriter of "Training Day". Do not rule out the far-fetched factors, I really feel that "Extraordinary Period" and "Training Day" have too many similarities. Life is plain but nonsense, entangled with the evil that he can't control himself, making simple and casual decisions time and time again, but leading himself to destruction time and time again.
However, compared to "Training Day", the director's skill is a bit weaker, the story is a little more complicated, and the pure paradise of Mexico is fleeting before it can touch people's hearts. David Ayer, why can't you be more literary? For Jim's background, he only achieved the last two words of "click to stop". As for the skill of the actors, Denzel Washington and Christian Bale are my favorites. They have different styles, but each has its own merits. It's just that the layout is a bit smaller, but the road is extremely delicate, like Bell, I seem to prefer some.
Subject matter. In fact, the subject has a powerful and elusive nature. Many issues are worth discussing, but what is meaningful or interesting is often only the discussion itself. If you put too much emphasis on the point of view in the discussion, I believe it is actually difficult to produce a convincing point of view that ends the discussion. Therefore, it is not too easy to attach a clear theme to a movie, or to extend a movie to a certain theme.
In particular, some people always think that it is necessary to take care of the so-called social reality, and even some philosophical realms, in order to raise the film and make it meaningful. I really think these are Bullshit. I don’t feel at all that there will be a clear and superb theme underneath the surface of "Unusual Period" which seems to be realism, but I feel that if you can tell a good story and have a wonderful performance, you can pay close attention to the deeds. Human being's state of being extremely ordinary but uncontrollable is already very good.
I don’t plan to discuss "Extraordinary Period" based on whether the subject is clear or not, except that the story is not so big, and the role of Christian Bale is inexplicably relied on to weaken Jim’s state of existence and the real sense of the emotional world. , I have been satisfied.

It was the first time I saw the protagonist who was hit by a bullet penetrating the back of the car after driving away. The protagonists with copper skin and iron bones, invulnerable, seem to be much inferior to the protagonists who have been hit so literally.

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  • Jim Davis: White people program shit. You ain't down? Fuck you.

  • Jim Davis: Put the fucking gun to my head and pull the trigger. Nobody's gonna know. Just you and me and God.