Rachel's now

Kaya 2021-12-15 08:01:11

The favorite female character in Friends, of course, is because of her beauty.
But all of her films seem to be inseparable from the word "bad", but for so many years, she can still have an appointment. I don't know if she is great or the director has confidence in her.
It's a simple story. Before entering the theater, you can tell the whole story by just listening to the translation. It is purely to appreciate Jenifer.
That melancholic little boy is very brilliant, and he has something to do with the Chinese-Dutch BB whom I like very much recently~Super cute~~~
It's really not worth wasting money to buy tickets to enter the venue, it seems that you can check it online. Will lose to other competing films, it's a pity.

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Extended Reading

The Switch quotes

  • Sebastian: Nature is in crises. And only one mammal is to blame.

  • Sebastian: I'm having a birthday party.

    Wally Mars: Oh yeah? You enjoy that, there's gonna come a time in your life when you're not gonna want people to know it's your birthday.

    Sebastian: Why wouldn't anyone want people to know about their birthday?

    Wally Mars: Because getting old sucks. Most people don't accomplish what they'd hope to and they realize that they are most likely not going to. They end up living these quite lives of denial, and uh... brushing birthdays under the rug just becomes a part of that.

    Sebastian: Do you ever get scared that you could have Parkinson's disease?

    Wally Mars: Not specifically Parkinson's, But I'm not gonna lie, I've had my bouts with hypochondria.

    Sebastian: What's that?

    Wally Mars: That's thinking you have diseases that you don't really have.

    Sebastian: Oh my God. I have that.