If you want to watch a movie that is completely 2B

Angel 2021-12-18 08:01:05

2 To a certain level, it also needs to be level. This film 2 is 2 in:

1 A 2B unemployed young man dreams of opening a sunbathing brothel, but suffers from no money, so 2B wants to inherit his father’s million inheritance; this 2B young man asks a 2B stripper in a strip club Speaking of this 2B idea, the 2B stripper actually 2B recommended him to hire a killer. The only problem is that it requires 100,000 employment fees. So this 2B young man asked another 2B young man to study how to get 100,000. The two 2Bs even wanted to plan a bank robbery, but they couldn't do it by themselves, so they tricked a 2B young man who sent a pizza to him and tied him a lot. 2B explosives forced him to rob the bank. This 2B pizza boy was helpless, so he found another 2B Indian boy to grab it. The two 2Bs robbed 100,000, but found that they were almost cheated, so they found the first 2B youth to take revenge, and rescued the only girl in the film who did not. In the melee, the 2B unemployed youth used a flamethrower to grill the 2B hired killer and himself. 2B Pizza boy and 2B Indian boy took the money to save the girl and escaped. Finally, 2B found that the money was a pile of waste paper. . .

Enough for you to be happy for a while.

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Extended Reading
  • Sandrine 2022-04-23 07:02:25

    Two idiots are not stupid enough

  • Vicenta 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Kuanjuixi shouted "rape~" There's so much cuteness there?

30 Minutes or Less quotes

  • Dwayne: What is the one thing this town is missing? I'll give you a hint. It's cash business and it's crawling with sexy bitches.

    Travis: Chinese food restaurant?

    Dwayne: No.

    Travis: Abortion clinic.

  • Dwayne: Sometimes faith pulls out its big ol' cock and slaps you right in the face.