I’m afraid there won’t be "Reaper Coming 6" again.

Kay 2021-12-18 08:01:05

Today the school net finally has this high-definition version, but I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Although it has been on the Internet for a long time, the effect is not good. For the movies you like, you can watch the high-definition version! This is my principle.
I really watched and watched the first four parts, and finally I can watch something new. In fact, for this series, the plot is no longer in the scope of my attention. The key is to look at the method of death. The accident at the beginning of this time was replaced by a bridge collapse. I used to know that it was a bridge accident, but I didn’t expect it to be so exciting. The steel bars on the bridge were scurrying, the steel bars on the car, and the asphalt. It was too exciting. It feels better than the beginning of the first and second parts!
Then there is the method of death, the gymnast is really. . . Who would dare to practice gymnastics in the future! Being a spa is also dead, what shocked me most was the eyeball laser surgery, it was too scary! ! ! I really didn’t dare to look at it. I’m most afraid of eye-related deaths, especially the slow ones, the ones that were hit by a stone in the eye all at once, and the ones that fell from the ladder and hit the eye, nothing happened. , This one is really suffering! My mind is over again!
The last survivor got on the first plane. This is also a reincarnation. I am afraid that there is no sixth one. It is a little bit lost and can only start from the first one.
I really like this series, accidental deaths caused by various coincidences, I think I can't shoot better than these.

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Extended Reading
  • Ewald 2021-12-18 08:01:05

    Bottom and rebound wow~

  • Chris 2021-12-18 08:01:05

    Highlights: One is the second male, and the whole is a combination of Tom and Christine Bell! The second is that it can be connected to the first part in the end! In fact, every part of this series can be summed up in one sentence: early death and early birth.

Final Destination 5 quotes

  • Olivia Castle: Yeah, that's a bummer about Candice. Guess we all should have seen that coming.

    [Sam and Molly glares at Olivia]

    Olivia Castle: What? You see the crazy shit those gymnasts do. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

  • Molly Harper: Olivia Castle! Where is she?

    Sam: She might be in danger!

    Dr. Leonetti: Oh, she's fine. We do this standard procedure all the time.

    Olivia Castle: [screams]