The Invisible Man's look and feel contains spoilers

Jess 2022-04-23 07:01:33

As a horror film, I think this film has done its job. The sound effects, atmosphere, and empty shots are all in place, and the acting skills supported by the heroine are also the biggest highlight of this play. To say the success of this play, it is that the completely original horror method can also make the audience feel creepy. Let me say a few points. The first is the plot. Although there is a reversal, it can basically be guessed. His reversal is not unexpected (if you watch a lot of suspense movies, you can see what to play at a glance), if Being able to overwhelm the whole story with an eye-opening setting might be even scarier. The second is the characters. Except for the heroine's strong emotions, basically no other characters can be seen. As a movie, it is very important to portray the character of an important character in a short period of time. But the male ticket, the policeman, the little girl, the older sister, the older brother, I don't know what language to use to describe these characters. Especially the male ticket, the character of this story title is too loose, there is no way to define whether he is selfish, smart, perverted or something, and a policeman, whether he is kind or something else, as a policeman What did he contribute to this drama , only the last one left blank? (Hahaha maybe I haven't fully understood) Each character can give the audience a variety of imagination. If I were a director, I would not let the audience speculate on the main image of each character at will. Finally, it was the turning point of the last five minutes. The heroine turned from defeat to victory, completely out of a very bright feminist image, but I felt that this ending was too hasty. A woman who had been tortured all of a sudden, suddenly put on the invisibility cloak that she had hidden and killed the male vote. Don't the smart and vicious male votes know? In just one minute, the heroine suddenly turned defeat into victory? I think this ending can be fuller, so that the ending will somewhat disappoint the audience. In short, in the days when movie theaters are so sluggish, it's good to have a movie that doesn't play.

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The Invisible Man quotes

  • Tom Griffin: It's upsetting to see you in this condition. Even though things ended badly for you and Adrian, I still look at you as family.

    Cecilia Kass: Are you my lawyer now?

    Tom Griffin: I'm your lawyer for your source of income. I represent my brother's trust. The money from his trust was payable to you, conditional upon you being subject to criminal charges of any kind, or being ruled to be mentally incompetent. Now in light of your current situation, it's my duty to inform you that any further payments are to be halted. I know that you set up a bank account for a friend of yours to go to college, so I take no pleasure in relaying that.

    Cecilia Kass: I used to feel sorry for you. The blood relative of a narcissist sociopath. Permanent punching bag. Handcuffed to his wallet. But now I can see you for what you really are. You're just the jellyfish version of him. Everything but the spine.

    Tom Griffin: I mean you can try to litigate it. But that's going to be an expensive option, I can't see it working. However if you sign this document, and forfeit your share of the trust, it'll be a lot cleaner. Or there's one option where this all goes away. Agree to have the baby, and you go back to him. You really think he didn't know you were really usually birth control? Of course he did. You should have known he find out. You knew him as well as I did. He replaced them with something else. You only thought you were taking birth control pills. He was always going to find you, no matter what he had to do. He needs you because you don't need him. No one's ever left him before. But he's punished you enough now. Now that he knows you're the mother of his child. It's time to stop playing games. A new life with him can be given to you one phone call. A life just like your old one with Adrian. Cecilia, you don't really have a choice right now. Right now you're a murderer. But I can change that.

    Cecilia Kass: Adrian killed my sister, and you help him!

    [She grabs one of Tom's pens as he's distracted picking up the documents she threw to the floor]

    Tom Griffin: I don't expect you to make a decision right now. I can come back in three days. Be good to yourself until then. We'll be watching.

  • Cecilia Kass: [as she's about to use the pen she stole to cut her wrist] You won't get the baby. And you won't get me.

    [she starts to cut her wrist, but Adrian grabs her hand]

    Cecilia Kass: There you are.

    [she uses the pen to stab him repeatedly, causing the suit to malfunction]

    Cecilia Kass: Fuck you!