The connection between people can be so beautiful

Tressie 2022-04-21 09:02:00

How to watch the aurora and count the stars in Iceland while watching a huge 42-inch TV in India's slums.

In the Super Sensation Eight, we can realize that each person seems to have eight different personalities and avatars. Maybe this is the difference between American dramas and small fresh Korean dramas and domestic dramas. They always do other things when they are in love. American dramas talk about love while doing things, so they feel that the subject matter is very limited. Fortunately, the types of domestic dramas are more abundant. Basically, love is the main line and everything else is the sub-line.

But this kind of life is not real after all. We always have to do things seriously. There are so many things happening every day. It is impossible to be like a TV series. It can be a few months or a few years in a flash. After all, we are still Take every minute of every day.

Every time I watch a sci-fi movie, it’s like I’m living in a fantasy world. Sometimes the best thing about these European and American dramas is that they make you feel that these things may actually exist and happen. For example, there are indeed people who have the same soul, and the horizontal editing method adopted by the director makes people feel extremely real. As the Indian girl said, Mumbai on one side, sun and clear sky. It was a magical experience while being drenched in chicken soup in Berlin. The boy in Nairobi might never have been on a plane if it wasn't for Riley, and if it wasn't for Shan, he wouldn't have been as far away as Seoul. In the same way, how could Shan, who is still imprisoned, be in the beautiful Iceland with Riley, smoking a cigarette and watching the sunset on a quiet and peaceful evening?

There is also true love between the same sex in the play, about transgender lesbians. More and more understand and understand.

Sometimes I feel that the more I see, the more I understand. Although I will be critical, I will be more tolerant, and I will not judge a thing, a person, or a thing casually. "Because I understand, so be compassionate" This sentence always makes me feel inexplicable fit. Everyone is an independent existence and is always one. It seems that there is a clone technique, and the skill of being able to move instantly makes people addicted.

Sometimes people are really wonderful beings. I have to admire the human brain is a very smart and amazing thing, it can create so many things that we can't explain ourselves. So, is there an unexplainable connection between certain things? If you really want to explain it, then ask God.

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Extended Reading
  • Kaya 2022-04-01 09:01:04

    Too many private goods. The director tried to assert his political stance on everything from gay persecution to African tribal conflict to Indian religion to Korean feminism to Eastern European immigration to suburban gangsters, and of course the biggest villain, transnational biomedical companies, turned into a politically correct hodgepodge , but submerged the main line.

  • Oma 2021-11-30 08:01:28

    I endured the first episode and I didn't think it looked good. Then I jumped straight to the last episode. Eight people went online. It was really burning and the music was great. The dirty sisters and brothers have always had a unique philosophy of life. Hackers, cloud pictures, Jupiter, and Chaogan all revolve around this philosophical system. I very much hope that they can publish books when they are old. Under the systematic interpretation, just watching movies is not enough, and it is easy to deconstruct in multiple dimensions. You can publish a book. . .