short look

Tremaine 2022-04-20 09:01:40

. . . I have waited so long to watch it in China.
The plot is not bad. It is a nostalgic style that I like~
Most of the time in the film is a scene with strong contrast and dim light:
the streets, buildings, and hospitals in the UK have a wet atmosphere and strange eyes. And the complete disappointment of the replicators to the world. . And the ruthless struggle to grab a life-saving straw. .
The camera lens is good, but the advantages seem to be only these gorgeous fragments interspersed. The values ​​and world views in the
original novel have not been completely screened out. The first female protagonist has too many long and repeated monologues in her heart, and they are not clearly expressed. Many places are blurred and weaken

the main line process. Depressing film. . Interspersed with that little love. . It looks really pitiful. .
I think is a good enough word for this movie,

like cultivating soilless culture-like experimenters and victims. . Think about the universal values ​​that are promoted in many movies, such as punishing evil, promoting good and saving the world. In this movie, it is plain that there is no righteousness or evil, no one is the savior, these people are not gods, not superheroes, or ordinary people. . It is the spare tire of half-awake and half-dream among human beings. . One hand touches itself and the other holds the chaotic world. . Powerless. . The world does not consider too grand moral issues, and only chooses a just world based on the instinct of survival. It is pragmatists to them. . Just a lovable self-hatred and indifference in the

movie "Ran" in which Mad Ami asks the world: Is it fun to make humans cry? "Haha in this movie it's just a joke
, I wrote some of my feelings in a hurry and I wrote it haha ​​don't throw big bricks

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Extended Reading
  • Layne 2021-11-29 08:01:20

    The tune is very pleasing, the actor is pleasing, it is the unswerving emotions of the turbulent horse, art is not such a stubborn way.

  • Mina 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    Is this a god horse theme? ! There is actually such a sci-fi film, or it is anti-human. There is no chemical reaction between the male and female protagonists, I really love your sister~

Never Let Me Go quotes

  • Kathy: It had never occurred to me that our lives, which had been so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them and not let unseen tides pull us apart.

  • [first lines]

    Kathy: My name is Kathy H. I'm 28 years old. I've been a carer for nine years. And I'm good at my job. My patients always do better than expected, and are hardly ever classified as agitated, even if they're about to make a donation. I'm not trying to boast, but I feel a great sense of pride in what we do. Carers and donors have achieved so much. That said, we aren't machines. In the end it wears you down. I suppose that's why I now spend most of my time not looking forwards, but looking back, to The Cottages and Hailsham, and what happened to us there. Me. Tommy. And Ruth.