Spoiler: Just a hilarious, hilarious blistering instant noodle warning

Pearl 2022-04-21 09:02:02

Remember the light comedy "Happy Death Day 1"

——On how to make your beloved fall in love with you through cognition and dreams (tsk tsk tsk)

Opening remarks: You insist that this movie is a horror movie. I admit that when the heroine died for the first time, I was frightened by potato chips because the voice was too loud and I didn’t watch the screen. Isn't it a hilarious American Emperor Rice High School campus comedy? ?

Warning: spoilers/spoilers/spoilers/out-of-order/on a whim/no scientific basis/believe everyone has seen it (yes!)

In the plot, the male protagonist enthusiastically marks that he has taken courses on cognitive neurology and dreams. Although the female protagonist thinks that he does not have it, I (smiling) find it useful:

At the daily party the day before the heroine Terry's birthday, everyone may have drank fake wine and everyone was unconscious. The drunk Terry was accidentally shy/cute/caring/principled new socialist young male protagonist Carter picked up the dormitory and pushed his roommate out to make a bed for the beautiful girl Terri. But because the beautiful girl was almost drunk, the kind (bad!) Carter sat on the bed next door and started thinking, "How can I find a girl who truly loves me?" Looking at the unconscious girl beside him, Carter pondered hard, and finally made up his mind in the early morning:

(The drama begins)

Carter found a brand new literary and artistic custom English license plate bought on Taobao in his men's trash, and put it on "today is the LAST day in your restlife", and then started to hypnotize (fog) by simulating the bell that must be remembered every morning. ,

During the sweet hypnosis process, Carter learned that this beautiful girl with passion on the surface was actually not good at changing her heart. Because of the death of her mother, she refused to celebrate her birthday like her father pretended that nothing had happened; Seduce the elective teacher who already has a family with her youthful beauty; I don’t know why she is a bit mean, doesn’t care about her roommate, and joins the slim sisters mutual aid club that doesn’t eat breakfast…

Carter learns that the inner beauty of such a beautiful girl is as silky as marshmallows/ composed of scars or unhealthy (after all, too much sugar will make you fat) living habits. Determined to turn his magical expertise into strength, so based on the logic in "Inception" that he watched a few years ago: planting a seed can change the world, and began to set up a hypnotic mini-game.

Player Terry heard someone say "today is the LAST day in your restlife" while she was sleeping. She was hypnotized and entered the game interface. Starting from Carter's dormitory, she went through all the difficulties and revised her behavior mode according to the American nuclear family concept, which violated the plot. The requirements of the behavior are endless restarts of nightmares and tragic deaths, and the first seed is planted "kill the big boss mask monster and let you get up".

But what about behavior modification, Carter decided, through countless tragic deaths, as well as psychology intern/NPC/triggered cutscenes: "Carter in the dream" as a guide, showing his own beauty in a timely and not excessive manner/simultaneous hints Good performance can end the nightmare reincarnation mini-game/finally when the real culprit will be found out in the process of the smart/hard/strong belief that "if you don't give up, there is hope"/the pure-hearted Terry's unremitting thinking and the fight against death , The undead suddenly appeared in front of the god of death, the hero saves the United States and bravely sowed the second seed "Wow, this is a boy who keeps me up and I don't know how many times I get up, I'm shy and cute, I'm sorry to introduce myself, but I'm kind and studious. He even sacrificed for me, no, I want to save him!"

Although the two seeds are many, the effect is great. In the course of the game again and again, the author Carter added some details unique to the boys' dormitory to reflect his intentions and the authenticity of the environment simulation:

I don’t know why I go out all night at night, but I definitely don’t get a girl. The internet addict (?) who has to wear sunglasses to go back to the dormitory as soon as the sun comes out; Global warming enthusiastic young women; and unidentified suspicious vehicles with extremely low quality who honk their horns in the dormitory area before class starts.

In the process of dying again and again, the young girl Terry also gradually discovered the details that she had neglected in her life:

It turned out that the strange and wretched behavior of those who went to the dormitory early in the morning was just to say hello after taking off their glasses; it turned out that signing the name of the environmental protection girl can greatly encourage her work enthusiasm; Concealing his GAY identity (although it may be a bit awkward), but encouraging him to open up his heart and bravely come out of the closet to be himself and turn around handsomely, wow, so real and handsome. The teacher is no longer in the bubble, and the big deal is that I don't cultivate (?); don't pretend to be with him, and sincerely dig your heart...

Sometimes after dying too many times, you can see through it. Confucius said how true it is to know death without knowing life . Sorry I was wrong, but anyway, after dying a few times, the heroine is irritable/don't care/not anyway. Some people will remember that they opened their hearts, the iron gates of their hearts, and farted in a quiet restaurant for a long period of time in the mood of breaking the jar and breaking the jar; after they finished, they relaxed and grinned at you...

Carter friend, how much awareness and trust is required for this, a little girl who put down her defenses and needs someone to accompany her has presented her marshmallow-like heart in front of you, ah!

So the final "There is only one truth" plot is triggered. After the love has almost bloomed, the player/hypnotized/girl Terry enters the final level "the big boss is by my side, I didn't expect it hahahaha", so I die in a thousand hammers Terry, a player who has honed her skills, ended the last Easter Egg BOSS with ease and joy, and the game was over. At the same time, Carter changed the license plate and just hid the crime tools.

Yeah! woke up! game over! Missing a day of class is cool! Never drink fake wine again!

As for the plot, the logic relies on the brain, and the transformation relies on the imagination. The starting point is right, it is in line with the scientific spirit of no strange power, and the rest is to study how to hypnotize the patient while she is asleep (the fog).

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Happy Death Day quotes

  • [Tree storms into her room. She hastily starts packing her belongings]

    Lori Spengler: She finally rolls in...

    [Lori looks at Tree, puzzled]

    Lori Spengler: Going somewhere?

    Tree Gelbman: Yes. As far away as possible.

    Lori Spengler: Tree, what's wrong?

    Tree Gelbman: [continues packing] Me. I was wrong. I thought that if I stopped running that I could beat it. But it's never gonna stop.

    Lori Spengler: Tree, you're freaking me out.

    Tree Gelbman: Hello, that's me, a freak!

    [Lori takes the cupcake, lights the candle, approaches Tree and hands her the cupcake]

    Lori Spengler: [smiles] Tree. Tree, look. Happy birthday.

    Tree Gelbman: [turns her back to Lori] Thanks. But I already ate it last night.

    [suddenly, it dawns on Tree who is the murderer. She stops packing]

    Tree Gelbman: Oh, my God. I died in my sleep.

    Lori Spengler: What?

    [Tree turns to face Lori]

    Tree Gelbman: You killed me.

    Lori Spengler: What?

    Tree Gelbman: You poisoned it. But I never ate it before.

    [a flasback: Tree drops the cupcake on the floor without eating it]

    Tree Gelbman: So you had to find another way. Then Tombs fell right into your lap. Perfect scapegoat.

    [flashbacks: Tombs is transported on a stretcher while Lori watches; Lori injects Tombs sedatives; Lori plants a knife in Tombs' room and covers his face with the babyface mask; Lori kills Tree, then removes the mask]

    Tree Gelbman: You had access to him. Did you drug him first? You knew that if he escaped, everyone would assume that he killed me. But it was always you.

    Lori Spengler: [chuckles nervously] Tree, are... is this a joke? You think I would actually try to poison you with a freaking cupcake?

    Tree Gelbman: [shrugs] Okay then. Prove it.

    [Tree takes the cupcake, blows the candle and hands the cupcake back to Lori]

    Tree Gelbman: Go on, Lori. Take a bite. Go on, Lori.

    Lori Spengler: [shakes her head, chuckling nervously] You really are crazy.

    Tree Gelbman: [smiles] Okay then. I'll take it down to the police. I'm sure they can tell us what your little birthday treat is made of.

    [as Tree starts walking away, Lori wears a sinister expression. She grabs Tree's hair, then knocks her against the bathroom door. Tree falls to the floor. While she is momentarily stunned, Lori chuckles nastily, locks the room door and faces Tree]

    Lori Spengler: [contemptuously] You stupid little whore.

    Tree Gelbman: [fearfully] I know I've been a bad roommate, but... isn't this a bit much? What the hell?

    Lori Spengler: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you wouldn't stop sleeping with him.

    Tree Gelbman: What? Gregory?

    Lori Spengler: [venomously] But he just kept choosing you over me. I guess all he wanted was a cheap slut like you!

    Tree Gelbman: [in disbelief] Wait, you've been killing me over some stupid guy?

    Lori Spengler: [shakes her head] Oh, that's not the only reason. You're a dumb bitch, too! What I really wanna know is, how did you figure it out?

    Tree Gelbman: Because you've killed me before.

    Lori Spengler: [smiles] Then I guess I'm just gonna have to do it again.

    [Lori steps toward Tree. Tree kicks her in the stomach. Lori doubles up painfully]

  • [Tree finds out that Lori is the murderer]

    Lori Spengler: What I really wanna know is, how did you figure it out?

    Tree Gelbman: Because you've killed me before.

    Lori Spengler: [smiles] Then I guess I'm just gonna have to do it again.

    [Lori steps toward Tree. Tree kicks her in the stomach. Lori doubles up painfully. Tree grabs a lamp and throws it at Lori, but misses. Lori recovers, grabs Tree, slams her head against the desk and starts choking her. They roll all over the room, knocking over items. Tree tries to reach the door but Lori grabs her, sits astride on her back and repeatedly slams her head against the floor. Lori shoves her elbow into Lori's face. Lori lets Tree go, but immediately recovers, pushs Tree on the bed and sits astride on her stomach. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Lori quickly covers Tree's mouth]

    Danielle Bouseman: [from outside the room] What the hell's going on in there?

    Lori Spengler: Nothing. Tree just fell. Everything's fine.

    Danielle Bouseman: Whatever. Clumsy hos. I better see you at the meeting today.

    [while struggling, Tree suddenly notices the poisoned cupcake, a few inches from her. She tries to reach it]

    Lori Spengler: We'll be there!

    [Tree punches Lori at her throat. Lori lets go of her, gasping for air]

    Tree Gelbman: [furiously] Eat it, bitch!

    [Tree shoves the entire poisoned cupcake into Lori's mouth. Lori recoils, screaming in horror, trying to remove the cupcake from her mouth. She stands with her back to the window. Tree, snarling in rage, runs toward Lori, grabs hold of the lamp. With all her might, she kicks Lori in the chest. Lori is knocked backwards. She falls through the window, her body crashes on the ground with a sickening thud, near Emily. Emily screams in horror and runs away. Tree looks through the window and sees her enemy dead. She slumps on the floor, sighing in relief, realizing that now the nightmare is finally over]

    Danielle Bouseman: [knocks on the door] What are you losers doing in there?

    Tree Gelbman: [mumbles] Lori... ate... my cupcake.