The Living Daylights

Adolfo 2021-12-08 08:01:48

The East and West are in a wonderful situation of tit-for-tat. Some people in KGB have developed a series of conspiracies for their own personal gain. First, Koskoff falsely "surrendered" to the West and stated that KGB was preparing to carry out a plan called "Spirit Flying Dragon" with the purpose of eliminating 00. Agents of the group, 007 suspected its motives, disguised assassinations, and found out that Koskoff and the arms dealers used the money for the purchase of arms to smuggle drugs. 007 got the support of the rebels and finally bombed the drugs. Koskoff’s plan was completely destroyed. Bankrupt.

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Extended Reading
  • Friedrich 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    Back against 007 again

  • Adelbert 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    007 Episode 15 The 007 plots of the last few episodes are the same. 007 should be a combination of handsome guys and beauties, high technology, beautiful scenery, and the corruption of capitalism against the tyranny of the sickle and hammer. Parachuting and chasing the car at the beginning of the film are very handsome. However, the new protagonist has a good face, which is unacceptable. . . In the end, 007 gave up the princess and chose true love. . .

The Living Daylights quotes

  • [Bond and Saunders are discussing the change of plans on Koskov's defection]

    General Georgi Koskov: James. James Bond!

    James Bond: [hugging Koskov] Later, General!

    James Bond: [to Saunders] Lose them. I'll pick you up at the border, twenty-three hundred hours. Be there.

    Saunders: Where are you taking him? How will you get him out?

    James Bond: Sorry, old man, section 26, paragraph 5. Need-to-know. Sure you understand.

  • General Georgi Koskov: The sniper was a woman.

    James Bond: I noticed.

    General Georgi Koskov: Some of the best KGB shots are women.

    James Bond: Um-hum.

    General Georgi Koskov: Did you...

    James Bond: I'd rather not talk about it.

    General Georgi Koskov: [thinking Bond killed her] Oh, no. Of course not.