Using iris texture as the identification carrier of soul reincarnation, I will still meet you in the end

Jess 2022-04-20 09:01:41

At a Halloween party, Ian met Sofi. After a short chat and hooking up, they were influenced by the party, light and music. The atmosphere dictated that they went to the toilet to have sex, and finally ended with lan's line "You won't regret it tomorrow? "The question ended in embarrassment, Sofi turned and left without looking back, leaving only the picture of the pupil with fresh texture. After that night, Lan has been obsessed with Sofi, and he is bent on finding this girl. Until, one day, when shopping at 7-11, the cashier told him that the total cost was 11.11 dollars, and the purchase time was 11:11. Lan felt that this seemed to imply something, so he got on the bus, and the passenger's dog was inexplicable. He roared at him, as if to imply that he got off the bus at this stop. Sure enough, after Lan got out of the car, what caught his eye was the poster with Sofi's eyes as the background of the advertisement, so he recorded the information on the advertisement and searched the Internet for information such as the model background of the advertisement. After a while, Lan recognized her through Sofi's unique pupils on the subway, followed behind her, and played "Dust it off" for herThe joy, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously against the light, and they were naturally together like this. sofi invited lan to move in with her, she introduced him to the sculptures, photography works, and relatives in the picture frames displayed in her house. They talked about everything, and they were very close. They decided to get married, but they were told that they would not be able to register until 24 hours later. . At this time, Lan's assistant told him that their experiment had made a breakthrough, so he rushed back to the laboratory excitedly. Sofi was obviously a little unhappy and turned into a twist, but under the encouragement of Lan's sweet words, she still Accompany him back to the laboratory. Looking at the earthworms in the laboratory, the dialogue between sofi and lan, sofi here metaphorically uses this point, imagine when a few people are selected like these few earthworms, have the perception of another we can't see but always What about the existing world? It can be seen that sofi is a firm theist, who believes in the reincarnation of fate and the existence of gods, while lan is an out-and-out atheist, who believes in science and data. Sofi inadvertently knocked over the formalin and splashed into Lan's eyes, causing him to go blind temporarily, as if it were all planned. If the marriage can be registered right away, is it possible that they will not show up in the laboratory, if sofi is an atheist, will she not have an argument with lan in the laboratory, if lan is not temporarily blind, is it him You can clearly see how afraid and reluctant the sofi in the elevator is to be pulled up, so the tragedy of sofi will not happen. Later, the child of Lan and his assistant was born, but the doctor unexpectedly discovered that the iris texture of their child was the same as that of the old black man who died not long ago, and the conception period of the child also coincided with the time of the old man's death, so the doctor invited the child to the laboratory. The test is to make pictures of people and things related to the old man before his death, and set it as a three-choice multiple-choice question. According to the child's choice and the relevant information of the black old man provided by the doctor, Lan really found the black old man's ranch, dog, and house. With his family... So, with the help of his lab buddies, he knew that there were people with the same iris texture. At the suggestion of his wife, they took out sofi's pupil photos and scanned them, searched and compared them in the system, and the result was Found out that there are indeed people in India with the same texture as the sofi iris. So, will he be the reincarnation of sofi? With this question in mind, lan started his trip to India. In the elevator of the hotel, Lan met the pastor. After a brief exchange, the pastor said to Lan, we will meet again! Then, Lan walked out of the elevator as if he didn't want to see him again. without Interestingly, on the roof of a building in India, he saw the exact same advertising poster as it was on the streets of the United States seven years ago. At this time, a little Indian girl stared at the eyes on the poster under the scorching sun. Lan, who was standing behind the little girl, witnessed all this. He slowly walked forward and carefully looked at the texture of the iris that confirmed her eyes. It was indeed very similar to Sofi's. So he resisted the excitement in his heart, took the little girl back to the hotel to invite her to eat, and accompany her to complete the multiple-choice questions similar to the three-choice questions set by the doctor for his child before. The order of the questions, numbered in alphabetical order, the last question is Y, a total of 25 questions have been done, the correct answer rate is 44%, that is, a total of 11 questions are answered correctly, whether this is an implicit hint of sofi, it is unknown, but this correct answer The rate was 44%, making lan who believes in science and data believe that she is not the reincarnation of sofi. But I think this may be because the little girl was very scared and nervous when she saw lan calculating the correct answer rate while answering the questions, which resulted in some questions not being correct. When Lan was a little disappointed and took the little girl to the elevator and was about to leave, the little girl heard a slight noise when the elevator stopped to their floor, and she began to cry inarticulately, which made Lan couldn't help but think in her mind. The scene 7 years ago appeared in the middle, and immediately bent down and hugged the little girl, she was relieved and burst into tears. At this moment, the little girl may be Sofi himself, even if there is no scientific data to support it, there is no doubt. If Lan had not chosen to take the stairs to avoid the priest when he brought the little girl into the hotel, it would not have formed a strong contrast with this scene. Those hidden arrangements, destined in reincarnation, would not appear like this. Shocking. If soul reincarnation really has a unified identification carrier, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Lan, who believes in the data, thinks that she is not the reincarnation of Sofi. But I think this may be because the little girl was very scared and nervous when she saw lan calculating the correct answer rate while answering the questions, which resulted in some questions not being correct. When Lan was a little disappointed and took the little girl to the elevator and was about to leave, the little girl heard a slight noise when the elevator stopped to their floor, and she began to cry inarticulately, which made Lan couldn't help but think in her mind. The scene 7 years ago appeared in the middle, and immediately bent down and hugged the little girl, she was relieved and burst into tears. At this moment, the little girl may be Sofi himself, even if there is no scientific data to support it, there is no doubt. If Lan had not chosen to take the stairs to avoid the priest when he brought the little girl into the hotel, it would not have formed a strong contrast with this scene. Those hidden arrangements, destined in reincarnation, would not appear like this. Shocking. If soul reincarnation really has a unified identification carrier, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Lan, who believes in the data, thinks that she is not the reincarnation of Sofi. But I think this may be because the little girl was very scared and nervous when she saw lan calculating the correct answer rate while answering the questions, which resulted in some questions not being correct. When Lan was a little disappointed and took the little girl to the elevator and was about to leave, the little girl heard a slight noise when the elevator stopped to their floor, and she began to cry inarticulately, which made Lan couldn't help but think in her mind. The scene 7 years ago appeared in the middle, and immediately bent down and hugged the little girl, she was relieved and burst into tears. At this moment, the little girl may be Sofi himself, even if there is no scientific data to support it, there is no doubt. If Lan had not chosen to take the stairs to avoid the priest when he brought the little girl into the hotel, it would not have formed a strong contrast with this scene. Those hidden arrangements, destined in reincarnation, would not appear like this. Shocking. If soul reincarnation really has a unified identification carrier, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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Extended Reading
  • Stephon 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    I would rather watch the most bloody romantic little fresh, no matter how much love at first sight, life and death, empathy, past and present... I don't want to see another movie that has all of the above but talks about science and faith, and both are disgusting. Movie. What's more, even with the untouched setting, the story could have been told more contagiously than that.

  • Lelah 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    When I saw the name, I thought it was a sci-fi film. After watching it for a while, I thought it was a literary film. After watching it for a while, it seemed like a romance film. Then I thought it was a crime film...

I Origins quotes

  • Salomina: I make a bad test?

  • Ian: What's your favourite flower?

    Sofi: Dandelions.

    Ian: Okay. Why?

    Sofi: 'Cause, they're free, wild, and you cant buy them.