Speed ​​Snail: About Snails and Dreams

Percy 2021-12-17 08:01:18

Regarding the film, I personally feel better than The Smurfs 2. Maybe everyone gets different points.
From a technical point of view, the 3D effect is good, especially when the leaves are flying, some small fuzzy leaves seem to be really dangling in front of the eyes. Because I am not a technical controller, I don't know much about it.

When you have a dream you do not need magic stick to your dreams, because the outside world will question you
Theo stick a snail racing and speed dream, a strange stick snail love and tolerance, the snail population group perfunctory dish
which is a The Ministry tells the story of dreams and persistence. When a person’s dream is not accepted by the group he belongs to, even ridicule and teasing, compared with outsiders, your relatives or best friends may not taunt and trample on you. Dream, but they will still persuade you to be practical. Their starting point is that they are afraid that you will be hurt. Although they do not support your dreams, they will not oppose them. They will even give you support and help and a warm embrace when you encounter reality. Maybe this is the case with friends. I don’t agree with your dreams, but I respect your right to pursue your dreams.

When you have dreams and magic, you need to stick to your dreams, because the environment will test you.
Theo is a snail who gets magic by chance, a strange snail that stays together and is driven out of the group, a group of vegetable snails can pass by.
As long as the group is on the road, there is a celebration. This is the insight from a friend. Opportunities always favor those who are prepared. Dreams require you to act. When you accumulate the power to realize your dreams in the process of action, you need to Persevere and realize your dreams, because when magic comes, difficulties come with it, then you have to be brave and take the initiative. Magic only gives you the tools to realize your dreams. Only actions can overcome the difficulties of reality, gain a new life, and get the rewards that belong to you.

When you have a dream to lose magic, you need to stick to your dream, because you still have friends
on the way to the car, peculiarly asked: "Theo, if you lose the magic tomorrow, what should you do?" Theo Back to saying: "I will enjoy today."
Enjoy the present, live today with peace of mind, instead of using your talents to worry about the unknowable tomorrow. Maybe one day on the way to pursue your dream, you have lost the momentum to move forward. Although your dream is within reach, you don't even have the strength to raise your hand. Then, please look up at the sky, your talent is innate; look back at the way back, your friends are with you. Even if you don't have magic, you can still get the courage to start again through your friends. I want to climb step by step.

The words written after the snails and dreams,
Theo first lived with the vegetable snails, a group without positive energy, and Theo ended up with the mechanical modified snails, a group full of positive energy. So the circle of friends is very important.
Theo's entry into the game benefited from Guy's recommendation and appeal. Guy wanted to complete his own transcendence through the daydream of a small person. From the beginning to the end, Strange persuaded Theo to give up, but persuaded Theo to persevere when Theo gave up. So those who support you are not necessarily good for you, and those who persuade you are not necessarily bad for you.
Theo is peculiar, the potential explodes, peculiar is peculiar, the potential erupts, peculiar is the dream, the potential erupts. Family, friendship, dreams, persistence, they are your magic.

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Extended Reading
  • Armando 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    Although I have watched many animations, I still feel that this film is a bit of a joke. How fast can a snail run? Smash it with one hand shot~ It may be more credible to make "Speed ​​Turtle".

  • Jennings 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    Slightly disappointed~ It may be that I have no previous experience with such an animated character. Obviously, the animation image of the snail is so simple that the story cannot go further. The story is as flat as the characters. Samsung small film~

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