To love him is an immortal desire

Birdie 2022-11-03 11:28:03

Kiss, can't feel the breath that belongs to you

Touch, but vision can't catch you

Surprised, scared, but unable to restrain approach

The first breath, pain, joy, and desire are all because of you

In order to miss you, I bought a whole basket of pears in the supermarket

we are made to fit each other

I like you too, but you smile like a child in order to resist, cute (๑• . •๑)

BE is the good ending

Finally, this movie tells us that no matter what vehicle you drive, you have to look at the road

It took me almost three weeks, I finally finished watching this movie, I will never watch movies like this in the future, the feeling is gone

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Extended Reading

City of Angels quotes

  • Seth: The little girl asked me if she could be an angel.

    Cassiel: They all want wings.

    Seth: I never know what to say.

    Cassiel: Tell them the truth. Angels aren't human. We were never human.

    Seth: What if I just make her a little pair of wings out of paper?

  • Seth: Why do people cry?

    Maggie: What do you mean?

    Seth: I mean, what happens physically?

    Maggie: Well... umm... tear ducts operate on a normal basis to lubricate and protect the eye and when you have an emotion they overact and create tears.

    Seth: Why? Why do they overact?

    Maggie: [pause] I don't know.

    Seth: Maybe... maybe emotion becomes so intense your body just can't contain it. Your mind and your feelings become too powerful, and your body weeps.