The universe - the seed that was in my heart when I was a child

Ron 2022-12-01 08:26:02

God, I haven't been this happy for a long time. I remember that when I was in elementary school, I bought "A Brief History of Time" with my mother to read, and I didn't listen in class with Xuyuchen. I read this book, although I couldn't read it today. But some things are really seeds that were planted in my heart when I was a child, and they will surely sprout! happy! Watched episode 13 in one go! Everyone has changed for the better! ! !

I just watched "The Truman World" yesterday, and today I think out of the box! I basically watched the first episode with an excited smirk, especially when I saw Bruni being burned, I felt a lot! There are so many different feelings and experiences from when I learned in history textbooks as a child!

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  • Gerardo 2022-04-20 08:01:04

    what! Can't stop watching. Astronomy is really the most romantic science, and even astrophysics is poetic: "This interaction between sunlight and petals, or with water, with Van Gogh, forms blue."

  • Annamae 2022-04-20 08:01:04

    Fast forward to watch an episode, the special effects are so hard and flashy, there are too few dry goods, how can there be such a high score