still reluctant

Jerel 2022-04-21 09:02:20

I finally finished watching the film that had been saved for half a year. I easily pulled the restless me in front of the screen and didn't move, even with my mouth, I didn't have much desire to chew. I'm single, but I'm not single, I often want to get rid of the constraints around me, and sometimes I want someone to spend with. You always have to be so moved, so reluctant, so fearless, to understand your importance, right? I still like myself, I still like you. It's just when you can appear, in front of me, let me have the courage to have you who I have never had before, try to have your world, how beautiful it is.

I should still need you, I should still want you.

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How to Be Single quotes

  • Alice: The thing about being single is, you should cherish it. Because, in a week, or a lifetime, of being alone, you may only get one moment. One moment, when you're not tied up in a relationship with anyone. A parent, a pet, a sibling, a friend. One moment, when you stand on your own. Really, truly single. And then... It's gone.

  • Alice: I'm so obsessed with the idea of being in love that I just, it's like, I completely lose myself. Like, I forget what I want and I just disappear. I'm like the horse in 'The Neverending Story'.