The problem isn't the infidelity, it's the way the marriage is organized

Tamara 2022-04-20 09:01:43

Marriage is actually somewhat similar to completing a team project. What it needs most is the consensus of partners, and the second is compromise when there is no consensus. Both are based on frank and timely communication.

The author may be trying to say that (by a character at a party of 3 women) infidelity will bring disaster, but it is actually a problem with the principle and purpose of marriage: Mutual exclusive (especially the body) is a big problem, it It is the taste of religion, but not the nature of people. It is very high-minded and far-reaching. It is suitable for people with wisdom and perseverance (at least middle-aged people), but it is not suitable for men and women who eat and drink. Marriage is life, not religion. The bad is bad. The religious saints strive to implement their high-end ideas to the low-end people. This is like asking everyone to speak classical Chinese, everyone to learn advanced mathematics, and everyone to learn poetry. In the eyes of promoters, it is not only simple , and seeing the promotion in full swing, I feel very happy; but the learners are miserable and contradictory.

Specifically in this film, it's not who cheated or hooked up who was wrong, but they didn't think about how to organize their marriage at first? How to live collaboratively? Did you fully agree with these consensuses before joining? Is it documented? What to do when consensus does not exist? Wait, they start writing code after they get a project, they don't communicate in the middle, or they hide problems, and finally the project is delayed and failed. So what is the antidote? It is to make marriage more open. The greatest common denominator of marriage should not be to bind two people, but to allow participants to live more freely and without worries. God should leave people’s residences, especially their bedrooms. Of course, all of this requires a clear consensus, preferably a contract in plain text. Marriage should also be more dynamic. It should be like ordering food. Eat porridge for breakfast and stir-fry carrots with meat at noon. It is best to have a marriage order market, and you can try a different marriage every time you go. It is human nature to be bored with repetitive things, and so is marriage. Only by providing many choices, many flavors, and many switching opportunities, can the fatigue caused by repetition be reduced.

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Unfaithful quotes

  • [First Line]

    Charlie: Dad, look what I can do. I've been practicing

    [Makes fart noise with armpit]

  • [Last Line]

    Connie Sumner: We can spend the rest of our lives on that beach, and when we die we can just push out to sea. What do you think?

    Edward Sumner: Perfect, sounds perfect.