Are we still waiting for the pumpkin carriage?

Gardner 2022-11-10 14:52:12

Still love this movie.

Simple love with a perfect ending.

Is it because we still have a little hope in our hearts?

I hope there is a crystal slipper, I hope there is a prince

, and the handsome Austin in the movie said he was in a crowd and still felt lonely.

When they finally hugged, the director let the miraculous rain fall premeditatedly, Austin said "Sorry i waited for the rain" and Sam said "IT'S OK" I laughed too, I understand their tacit understanding. People who are destined to love will have such a tacit understanding~~~

I am still waiting, waiting for a pumpkin carriage, waiting for midnight, waiting for your appearance.

But where are you?

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A Cinderella Story quotes

  • Sam: Hello?

    Fiona: Sam? Some little rat got into my salmon, and ate it all! I need more salmon! And pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag!

  • Fiona: Is this the Norwegian salmon I asked for? Because I need my omega-3s.

    Sam: Only the best.

    Fiona: Mmm. I can tell. You know it costs a fortune to fly that stuff in from Norwegia.