Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Winona 2022-12-23 16:12:26

This is a simple story, both then and now. It seems like fairy tales are all the same: the princess gets help to meet the prince or the prince gets help to save the princess. Fairy tales are told to children, and adults will only laugh: this is all illusory perfection, and reality does not exist. Middle school girls may feel powerless and unwilling to look at Cinderella's story - this is probably the last fairy tale of their fading childhood. In 2005, our foreign teacher played this movie in class, a dance under the Prince and Princess Gallery, and the audience stunned the audience - it was a feeling of dreaming, and I only remember this for many years to come. When I saw this movie again in my senior year, I suddenly realized that this is actually the most irrelevant part. The most important thing is the beginning that I ignored, little Sam listening to his father tell a story, that dialogue:

"Do fairy tales come true,Dad?" "Well ,no. But dreams come true." "Do you have a dream?" "Yeah.My dream is that you'll grow up and go to the college and then maybe someday you'll build your own castle." "Where do princesses go to college?" "They go where the princes go.They go to Princeton. But,sam,you know,fairy tales aren't just about finding handsome princes.They're about fulfiling your dreams...and about stdanding up for what you believe in.As I always say,never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." "Right.Just remember,if you look carefully,this book contains important things that you may need to know later in life."

Friends have similar views on fairy tales: the soul of fairy tales is courage and love, it is a kind of innocence, and it also exists in the hearts of adults, but people in reality often lack actions to break through the status quo. Let's talk about the story of Cinderella. The fairy brought a dress and a carriage, so that Cinderella could go to the banquet to win the prince's favor. In reality, girls expect a lot more from fairies, such as the courage to go to the palace, the confidence to be in a group of beautiful women, it may not be difficult to wear a mask, the most difficult thing is that Cinderella walks from the kitchen with her true colors. Come out and wear the princess' crystal slipper to an interview with the crowd - did you know the prince would accept it? If the prince doesn't accept it, can you accept everyone's strange eyes at the same time? For a child, it is not too difficult, and for a child who has grown up and began to understand the world, it is not easy. At that time, perhaps we will suddenly realize that the person we have always needed or the most important person is not a prince, but friends and relatives, Cater who accompanies him to practice baseball, Rhonda who guards his growth like a mother and a sister. The hardest thing is that when even the prince hides from himself and needs Sam to wake up "himself", will Sam deny the step he took. Outside the locker room, Sam's encounter with Carter is the finishing touch:

"Hey,what are you doing here?" "Rhonda told me where you might be.I thought you could use a friend.Come here.Sam,I'm so proud of you did.Your stepmom and Austin,all in one do you feel?" "I'll let you know when I can catch my breath..." "I like what you're wearing.What character are you today?" "Myself." "I think it's your best look." "Thank you."

Getting the help of the witch to meet the prince or the prince's rescue, I also prefer to interpret it as a call from the princess-a kind of blessing we get is because of the hard work and belief that we have never given up, it is never lucky.

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A Cinderella Story quotes

  • Sam: Hello?

    Fiona: Sam? Some little rat got into my salmon, and ate it all! I need more salmon! And pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag!

  • Fiona: Is this the Norwegian salmon I asked for? Because I need my omega-3s.

    Sam: Only the best.

    Fiona: Mmm. I can tell. You know it costs a fortune to fly that stuff in from Norwegia.