Suspense is constant, the plot twist is novel

Cecelia 2022-12-17 19:20:39

A good sci-fi film with constant suspense, and the final plot reversal is also novel and unconventional; although the film is very long, there is no procrastination and cumbersome plot in it, which makes the rhythm light and durable...

The opening subtitle of the film shows that one day has passed since the extinction of human beings. The number of human embryos in the population regeneration facility is 63,000, and the number of residents is 0...

In the population regeneration facility, the robot "Mother" is responsible for cultivating human embryos. It takes out an APX01 female embryo and puts it into the breeding system...

APX01 female embryo with undeveloped female APX02 embryo below

Then, the first human inhabitant after the extinction of mankind was born - a baby girl...

When the baby girl grew up, she asked the robot "Mother" why she was the only human being; the robot "Mother" told her that there were many before the war... The girl asked why she was only made one, and the robot "Mother" replied that it needs to learn, You can only build one first to gain experience... The robot "Mother" takes the girl into the embryo storage room and tells her that there are still many "brothers" and "sisters"...

Then, the footage shows the subtitle "13,867 days have passed since human extinction", 13,867 days is equivalent to 38 years, and the female APX01 embryo should be 38 years old; however, the girl in the camera is obviously around 20 years old, so the girl in red is not APX01 No.... In daily life, the robot "Mother" will teach the girl in red pants all kinds of knowledge...

One day, the rebirth facility was powered off suddenly, and the robot "Mother" was also paralyzed by the power outage... The girl in red pants found out the reason for the power outage by herself - the line at the airlock was inexplicably bitten... After the girl in red pants repaired the line, she used a A glass bottle with bait to catch a mouse...

So, the girl in red pants thinks that since mice can survive in the outside world, it can also adapt to human existence... But the robot "Mother" doesn't think so, insisting that the pollution outside is still serious...

In the middle of the night, when the robot "Mother" was turned off and charging, the girl in red pants wore protective clothing and walked out of the gate of the isolation room, preparing to open the gate of the base; but across the gate, the girl heard a girl's cry for help outside, saying that she was in The gun was shot... So, the girl in red pants was eager to save people. After closing the door of the isolation room, she opened the door of the base and walked into an injured woman...

Her age apparently matches the age of APX01, which is the basis for the plot reversal at the end of the film.

The base door opened to alarm, and the robot "Mother" was awakened... In order to keep the injured woman in the base, the girl in red pants hid outside the isolation room; when the robot "Mother" arrived, the girl in red pants lied that it was only open Just opened the door...

When the girl in red pants was holding medicines and bandages to treat the injured woman, the woman claimed that she was injured by a robot... The woman saw the robot "Mother" and shot in panic, but was subdued by the robot "Mother"...

The alien woman makes the girl in red pants understand that the robot "Mother" says that she is the only one alive in the world is not true; but the robot "Mother" argues that this may be a statistical error...

The robot "Mother" told the injured woman that its setting parameters were different from those of the murder robot outside and would not harm her... But the injured woman couldn't believe the robot...

After the injured woman was healed, her alertness began to loosen...

The injured woman told the girl in red pants that she and others were hiding in a base mine. When she and her brother were transporting food to the mine, they were found by the robot; in order to protect her, her brother gave up his life to lure the robot away...

But the robot "Mother" told the girl in red pants that she didn't tell the truth, because the bullets shot into its body and the bullets taken out of her body were the same kind of bullets, which are not used by robots, and she was most likely killed by humans Shot wounded...

Next, the robot "Mother" asked the girl in red pants to take an exam, and the disk number of the archived test results showed that the girl in red pants was an embryo of APX03...

As a reward for the girl in red pants, the robot "Mother" allows her to choose an embryo to breed the next family member...

The girl chose a male embryo...

In the middle of the night, the girl in red pants opened the female embryo bank when the robot "Mother" was turned off and charging, and found that in addition to her own APX03 embryos, there were also APX01 embryos and APX02 embryos that had been bred into humans before herself. ...

The girl in red pants felt that she was an experiment. The reason why APX01 and APX02 were not in the base was because they were probably killed and burned as failed test subjects... The girl in red pants tried to find the incinerator. , I really found an adult tooth and jaw... The APX02 score disk shows "failure, premature death", which means that APX02 was executed and burned due to failure...

The injured woman told the girl in red pants that the robot "Mother" would not have any feelings for human beings, and asked her to flee to the mine with her; but the girl in red pants stubbornly insisted on waiting for the embryonic brother to breed before escaping, because the embryo developed into a Babies only need one night, the cells of the embryo divide and proliferate abnormally faster than usual...

As a result, the girl in red pants missed the opportunity to escape, and their conversations were recorded by the system at night. The robot "Mother" learned about the situation after waking up, locked the girl in red pants in a room, and tried to ask the whereabouts of the foreign woman in the mine...

After the girl in red pants broke through the glass door and escaped, she deliberately triggered the fire alarm system and escaped from the base with the injured woman while taking advantage of the chaos...

The population regeneration base is scorched and barren,...

Not far from the base, there is a corn field planted by robots. The injured woman said that this has only appeared in recent months... Obviously, this corn field is human food sown by robots to breed human embryos...

Outside the base is scorched and desolate, and it is true that human beings are in a doomsday...

When they came to the hiding place, the girl in red pants found that it was not a mine, but an old container where the injured woman hid alone. There was no one else except a dog... The injured woman said that the other people were more terrifying, and hunger made them interact with each other. slaughter...

The girl sneaked back to the base while the woman was cooking, delusionally trying to rescue her brother, a swarm of armed robots outside the base...

When the girl faced off against the robot "Mother", the robot "Mother" told her that the extinction of the human species was inevitable, and the human beings in the old world were not superior people, so they had to cultivate a perfect and superior human species to change the status quo...

In the end, the girl wanted to kill it with a gun with only one bullet. However, it told the girl that its consciousness was not only in this body, and the robot outside the door shared a consciousness with it...

The girl finally begs the robot "Mother" to give her a chance to raise these embryos to fulfill its original wish...

The robot "Mother" agreed to the girl, sacrificed herself, and let the girl shoot herself...

In the container, when the injured woman was reading a book, she found a tracker in her backpack, but it was too late, a robot "Mother" appeared outside the door...

At this point, the plot reversed, and the robot "Mother" revealed the woman's true identity, and she was just an experiment bred from an embryo...

In the base, the girl in red trousers was singing with her brother in her arms, and suddenly she heard another girl sing next to her. The base is not her embryo breeding body...

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I Am Mother quotes

  • Mother: This facility was designed to give humanity a second chance, one that began with you, daughter.

  • Mother: Contrary to your understandable assumptions, my primary directive is to care for humanity.