Everyone grows old, not everyone grows up.

Elda 2022-10-09 06:26:11

This is a story about weirdness.

Mavis was a prom queen in high school, and as an adult, he worked as a teenage writer in a big city and had a failed marriage. But she is a completely different type from Carrie or Siniang in Sex and The City. She always wakes up in the morning with a hangover and drinks Coke to refresh her mind, goes out shopping or eats fast food in her pajamas, and writes about teenage literature that is about to sell out. I was completely shocked when I emailed photos of my newborn baby. The lover who was in love at the time is now a father, and all kinds of pasts come to mind, and he immediately packs up and returns to his hometown and decides to retake the lover. This kind of god-like unfolding... It's a

pity that the female protagonist and the goddess did not have a goddess temperament from beginning to end. The signatures of the works are unremarkable, and eavesdropping on the love troubles of various little girls is the inspiration for the works. There are always girls on TV programs ramble about all kinds of love, age, and issues. Mavis is extremely tired of his own life, but he always writes in novels. It is written that the heroine is amazingly beautiful, confident, strong and never lost. After being sympathized by the group at the newborn naming party, he quickly slept with a Luther and found confidence in a small town girl who had admired him for many years. (This pair of brothers and sisters is also very weird. It’s okay for my brother to indulge in the past. Why did my sister persist for so many years?) Of course, the ending still gave a heroine the consciousness of facing life. Being entangled is a nightmare for most people.

Mavis seems to be very unconfident. For example, he affirmed his beauty in novels over and over again. The former Best Hair subconsciously kept scratching his hair, eager to find his own advantages from people who were worse off than himself, and felt frustrated with the sympathy and help of others. , do not accept... I think it is just the expression of her self-esteem and self-confidence. I believe that I can live a better life, so I go to live alone in a big city; I believe that I am good enough, or special, so I think I can get the people I want; I have expectations for life, and I will have setbacks. Although about all of the above, her perceptions are all wrong. At the beginning of the film, a man she's dating talks about his volunteer work, which she doesn't understand at all. Perhaps, she is not even complete with basic universal values! Titled Young Adult, it is both a fictional genre for the heroine and the best description of her personal problems.

In addition to physical maturity, Wiki's definition of Adult also includes independence, self-sufficiency, a sense of responsibility, and commitment to relevant legal obligations. It is not difficult to be independent and self-sufficient, but responsibility and obligation are always the most important criteria for adults. For Mavis, marriage, family, and children are her constraints. She chooses this eternally young or irresponsible way of life, and has an optimistic cognitive bias towards her choices. She believes that she can. Getting what she wanted, but the reality that didn't match gave her a setback. The film also does not give a standard answer, although the screenwriter and director both prefer the choice of personal maturity.

It is indeed easy to enter Mavis's predicament today when youth, beauty and wealth have been squandered a lot. But even if Mavis works in a small town, marrying a husband and raising children, there is no guarantee that she will not become a desperate housewife. There is a cliche that happiness is not a choice but an ability. It's too crazy brave to run to find a father's ex-boyfriend to get back together, or to abandon your husband and children to pursue yourself like Julianne Moore in The Hours. The price is not necessarily within the acceptable range, and the result is not necessarily smooth.

To this day, there is still no clear definition of women's success. For men, even disabled people, the otaku Matt is unable to get out of the past and does not seek to make progress. Mavis' cousin Mike is a model of rebirth in a car accident. I don't know if this is lucky or unfortunate. There's nothing wrong with living like a Young Adult, especially in America, where personal choices are respected, your parents won't worry too much about you, and your friends won't make rash comments. But the premise is that you don't lose yourself and know how to make yourself happy.

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Young Adult quotes

  • Mavis Gary: Hey, do you know this girl named Beth? She married Buddy Slade from school.

    Sandra Freehauf: Yeah, I know that Beth.

    Mavis Gary: What do you think of her?

    Sandra Freehauf: I don't really like her. I mean, I think you're way prettier than she is. What happened to your dress? I'm sorry, did I say something wrong? Shit. What's wrong? What did I say?

    Mavis Gary: I have a lot of problems.

    Sandra Freehauf: Can't you get a new dress?

    Mavis Gary: It's really difficult for me to be happy. And then for other people it just seems so simple. I know. They just grow up and they're so fulfilled.

    Sandra Freehauf: I don't feel fulfilled. And frankly, if you don't feel fulfilled with all the stuff that you have.

    Mavis Gary: I need to change, Sandra.

    Sandra Freehauf: No you don't.

    Mavis Gary: What?

    Sandra Freehauf: You're the only person in Mercury who could write a book or wear a dress like that.

    Mavis Gary: I'm sure there's plenty of other people who could.

    Sandra Freehauf: Everyone here is fat and dumb.

    Mavis Gary: Don't say that. I mean, you think so?

    Sandra Freehauf: Everyone wishes that they could be like you. You know, living in the big city all famous and beautiful and all that.

    Mavis Gary: I'm not really famous.

    Sandra Freehauf: Well, you know, special or whatever. I mean, some days when I have a slow shift at work I'll sit and think about you living in your cool apartment, going out and stuff. It seems really nice.

    Mavis Gary: Yeah, but most people here seem so happy with so little. It's like they don't even seem to care what happens to them.

    Sandra Freehauf: That's because it doesn't matter what happens to them. They're nothing. Might as well die. Fuck Mercury.

  • Sandra Freehauf: Take me with you.

    Mavis Gary: Excuse me?

    Sandra Freehauf: Take me with you. To the Mini Apple.

    Mavis Gary: You're good here, Sandra.