All Lives Matter!

Waylon 2022-04-21 09:02:23

1. The film tells an enduring philosophical proposition: in order to save 80 people, is it reasonable to kill one person, even if permitted by law. This is of course a question that will never have an answer;
2. At a critical moment, the much-anticipated response from the Prime Minister is: "Do everything possible to reduce casualties." - Whether it's English, French, Arabic, the world's Mandarin is really different 3. "Youtube videos can incite
a revolution" - social networks are increasingly and profoundly affecting real-world politics, the same is true in China, but people usually It's all reflected in the opposite of the government;
4. The main pilot of the drone said that he did this job to repay the high university loan. No wonder Sanders is so popular!
5. Queen Helen is always not like a female soldier. In terms of body and temperament, the gap is still very obvious.
In the end, from the prime minister to the minister, from the general to the pilot, all the participants in this operation were repeatedly tangled and even confronted each other for a little Kenyan girl who had never met before, no matter what the motive was, whether it was initiative or not Being forced, this value of life, moved me more than the cumbersome legal procedures required to launch a missile. Even the ending is still a tragedy.

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Extended Reading

Eye in the Sky quotes

  • opening title card: "Truth is the first casualty of war." - Aeschylus

  • [first lines]

    Alia Mo'Allim: [her father is fixing her hula hoop] It's the best one I've ever had.

    Musa Mo'Allim: Yes, my dear. It's finished. Go and play.