the beauty of silence

Antonio 2022-10-07 19:28:12

The silent world, the delicate heart, is as calm as ice, noble as indifference, and firm as a mountain; but in the end, a new fusion and self-breakthrough have been realized. Passion makes life more beautiful. In this passion, the inner peace has reached a deeper level. I
like the words and scenes full of metaphors and deep meanings in the film:
——“My father said that this is a dark talent that will destroy me one day”
——Ada looks back The piano lying alone and peacefully on the
beach - on the beach, the footprints of three people will be together
- the beautiful sound of the piano when her husband chops off Ada's fingers
- Ada broke free from the shackles of the sinking piano, chose life, and broke It fulfilled the prophecy of his father's "dark talent"
- the piano under the sea, the hanging silence. It was not a curse of dark talent, but a deeper stillness, a stillness that fused the passions of life. "Everyone will return to silence"

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The Piano quotes

  • Stewart: I trusted you.

  • George Baines: What happened? Tell me. Tell me! Where is she? Shh. Quiet down! Quiet down. Where is she?

    Flora: He chopped it off.

    George Baines: What did she tell him? What did she tell him? I'm going to crush his skull.

    Flora: Nooo! No, no! He'll chop her up!