high-ranking game

Beulah 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Eyes in the Sky is a fascinating movie. The film revolves around the thorny issue of whether to give up the military action of eliminating multiple terrorist leaders in order to save an innocent life, and presents the audience with the different positions of the UK and the US, the positions and choices of decision makers with different identities, It also reflects the differences in the thinking dimensions of decision makers caused by the difference of a country's international status. American superiors decide whether to take action more from the perspective of the costs and benefits brought about by the military action itself, and do not care about other vain factors such as international influence. Compared with the US superiors, the international status of the UK determines that the British superiors need to weigh more external interference factors, even if more lives may be sacrificed. Whether they are famous or not is their decision. core. In this seemingly "sacrificing one or dozens" choice, no one in the upper ranks really cares about the little girl's life. It's just that the upper echelons in the United States are more direct and explicit, while the upper echelons in the UK are more sanctimonious, even in the A few crocodile tears were shed for the dead little girl after the shooting. In this fierce mediation, no one in the upper ranks is willing to take the risk of losing the black shawl to make a decision that may be right but may be criticized by thousands of people. This is the difference between politicians and politicians: whether they dare to take responsibility. In the choice between "seeking the country" and "seeking one's own life", the politicians put the prudence and self-defense as the first, while the politicians will take the responsibility of helping the world as their own responsibility. So there is Zhang Juzheng's whip law, Roosevelt's New Deal, and Clinton's economic policy. These drastic reforms were fiercely resisted and even confronted in the historical environment at that time, but the development of history many years later has proved their worth of existence. However, we should not completely deny the perception of politicians on this point. In the case of ''seeking the country'' and ''seeking the body'', ''seeking the body'' is also to better ''seeking the country''. In other words, if you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world? The two shooters are really humanitarian in the whole film, but we don't need to over-praise their stance and feelings. Again, the butt decides the head. It should be said that the superiors and inferiors in the movie are sympathetic, but each person's judgment of the importance of things is different. From another perspective, excessive humanitarianism may not be desirable. This can be seen from a series of social problems caused by the acceptance of refugees in Germany. Too often, a ''flood of empathy'' that doesn't open up the right way not only doesn't solve the problem, it can exacerbate it. Ways and means determine the direction of things. It is better to teach him to fish than to teach him to fish. At the end of the film, the director implicitly expresses his views on the incident through the words of the American general. War requires a price, and we all hope to "subdue the enemy without fighting", but it is the normalized result of war that can exchange the smallest sacrifice for the greatest peace. And militarists are often attacked by politicians and public opinion for their seemingly brutal but in fact the most desirable decisions. After watching this movie, I really feel that it is not easy to be a military commander! You must be able to withstand pressure, withstand things, have a strategic strategy, and even have a decisive victory. We must have the courage to bear the infamy of the ages, and we must have the faith and perseverance to serve the country with one heart. Therefore, it is so cool and comfortable to be an ordinary person, without so many burdens, there are not so many 'dilemmas', and there is no need for too much forbearance and commitment. In fact, having said so much, this movie just tells us a truth: the position and the angle determine the way of behavior. When we cannot accept the behavior of others, we should think more from the perspective of others and save others by ourselves, and we may find that many times, there are not so many black and white, and there is not so much who is right and who is wrong. But just ask for peace of mind, the rest, it is better to leave it to time and life~ To be able to withstand pressure, to stand things up, to have a tactical strategy, but also to have the decisiveness to win thousands of miles. We must have the courage to bear the infamy of the ages, and we must have the faith and perseverance to serve the country with one heart. Therefore, it is so cool and comfortable to be an ordinary person, without so many burdens, there are not so many 'dilemmas', and there is no need for too much forbearance and commitment. In fact, having said so much, this movie just tells us a truth: the position and the angle determine the way of behavior. When we cannot accept the behavior of others, we should think more from the perspective of others and save others by ourselves, and we may find that many times, there are not so many black and white, and there is not so much who is right and who is wrong. But just ask for peace of mind, the rest, it is better to leave it to time and life~ To be able to withstand pressure, to stand things up, to have a tactical strategy, but also to have the decisiveness to win thousands of miles. We must have the courage to bear the infamy of the ages, and we must have the faith and perseverance to serve the country with one heart. Therefore, it is so cool and comfortable to be an ordinary person, without so many burdens, there are not so many 'dilemmas', and there is no need for too much forbearance and commitment. In fact, having said so much, this movie just tells us a truth: the position and the angle determine the way of behavior. When we cannot accept the behavior of others, we should think more from the perspective of others and save others by ourselves, and we may find that many times, there are not so many black and white, and there is not so much who is right and who is wrong. But just ask for peace of mind, the rest, it is better to leave it to time and life~

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Eye in the Sky quotes

  • opening title card: "Truth is the first casualty of war." - Aeschylus

  • [first lines]

    Alia Mo'Allim: [her father is fixing her hula hoop] It's the best one I've ever had.

    Musa Mo'Allim: Yes, my dear. It's finished. Go and play.